Editing files (AWStats)


Verified User
Dec 17, 2008
I am trying to update AWStats to show a 'update button'
This is the instructions I found
1a. Open File Manager
2. navigate to /home/username/tmp/awstats/
3. edit the .conf file (e.g. awstats.yourdomain.com.conf)
4. look for this line: AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser, set the value to 1 (AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=1)
5. Save the .conf file. When you refresh your statistics page. you will get 'update now' link at the top of the page.

Well the path was not quite correct, it was:
Tried the file manager in DA but cant find that path.
Being a complete newbie to Unix, I tried using SSH editor but the file awstats.yourdomain.com.conf was not visible in that folder to let me edit it.
Tried using Putty but that is way over my head having only worked with FTP programs.

So, what is the best simple explorer type editor to use?
Appreciate any help, thanks
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