Editing the .conf files


Verified User
Sep 13, 2008
London UK
Is it safe for us to do this for all domains?

I have an extra IP on my eth0 device (ie. eth0:0) and would to like to use both, ie

<virtualhost *:80>, etc

instead of

<virtualhost IP:80>, etc

If so, is there anyway to do this on domain creation too?
but would that not depend on where

www.domain.com. A x.x.x.x

points to?

So I dont see why you what that? But sure you could change the template to do that. I just dont have enough knowledge in DA templates, probably someone else would be able to help you.

I have no idea what you mean.

Because most of us (perhaps all of us) are NOT registrars.

And I don't see what problem you're trying to fix.

Can you be more specific?

Say for example, you have 2 i.p's: 123.456.789.123 & 789.456.123.123, pointing to a dedi...... Baring in mind, DA tells me that 789.456.123.123 is already added (as its binded to the existing eth0 I gather?) when I try to add it as an I.P

Say 123.456.789.123 is my licensed one, so DA will use that as default for apache configs like so:

<virtualhost 123.456.789.123:80> etc

So, if I edit my & my customers external DNS's A records with the 789.456.123.123 I.P, I doubt apache would recognise it? Hence, if the configs had:

<virtualhost *:80> etc

it would, and I could use either I.P?

Or am I totally off track? lol
Why would you need to do that? Just add that other IP do the panel, share it with the same users and voila... two ips for all users.
Why would you need to do that? Just add that other IP do the panel, share it with the same users and voila... two ips for all users.

It wouldn't let me add it at first, but just tried again, and it worked :confused: :confused:

But you can only assign 1 to a client anyway AFAICS, so, back to step one

* Edit: Suppose I could give new clients a choice of IP on my sign up pages....
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Can I make my 2nd IP as shared? Meaning userwide? I'm confused.... When admin gets assigned the IP and gives it to a client, that IP becomes owned by that client outright :confused:

Nb. I created a reseller account and the ip has been assigned to the account and became shared
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