Email alias for sendmail


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Email alias for sendmail (external from-address possible???)

Hi All,

A customer created a website and uses the sendmail component to send email. All works fine and we are receiving the emails from [email protected]. This is a valid email account created in DirectAdmin. We are able to use created email-accounts within the site/sendmail.

Since the customer has another domainname he want that the emails are sent with another reply/sent-address, for exampe [email protected]

How can we use this other email-address? With normal SMTP you can use any sent-address.... but now we can't use the other address.
How can we setup an alias, so we can you this alias with sendmail (although this is not a valid account within DirectAdmin).

Any help is welcome :)
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The reply or from address has nothing to with DirectAdmin or the server it is running on. That needs to be specified in the web site software sending the email.
i understand now... the web developer put me in the wrong direction.
thanks for your reply!