We have just realised that our DirectAdmin server isn't calculating the email bandwidth for any of our domains. When we view the details of each domain's bandwidth, it has figures for apache, but the column with email has all 0.00Kbs. The total also reflects that no email bandwidth has ever been calculated.
I've search the forums for any similar issues, but haven't found any.
What would be some things we could check?
I've confirmed that the task queue runs every minute.
We have just realised that our DirectAdmin server isn't calculating the email bandwidth for any of our domains. When we view the details of each domain's bandwidth, it has figures for apache, but the column with email has all 0.00Kbs. The total also reflects that no email bandwidth has ever been calculated.
I've search the forums for any similar issues, but haven't found any.
What would be some things we could check?
I've confirmed that the task queue runs every minute.