email changes


New member
Oct 26, 2005
I was wondering if it is possible to change a line of html (that is the SAME on every page on the site) on all of my files all at one time. I'm sure there are those that have run into this before. I have a "Contact Us" link on all of my pages and the email I want to send to has changed. I am not a web designer or a pro at this stuff so I apologize up front if this is a stupid question. I have already had to do this once by going to every page (file) and making the change. I just wanted to know if there was a better way before attempting this again.
Do you have ssh access?

If so, depending on how similar the lines are you could use a perl one-liner.

Look here; browse down to the section "In-place Editing".

Note that if you break everything I take no responsibility.

If you don't have shell access you should do something similar locally and re-upload. Just how you'd do it would be dependent on your OS.

Since I use linux as my desktop OS, I'd use the same script I just pointed you to. You can install perl on Windows or Mac OS-x, and do the same.
