Email classified as spam even when sender is on white list.


Verified User
Mar 9, 2016

We are getting 10 to 50 email from our paymend provider(Ideal) with a payment confirmation message....
But sometimes the email gets blocked even though i white listed the email adres and i set the option "Where do you want the spam to go?" on Send the spam to the user's spam folder.

2017-05-07 21:11:55 1d7Raw-0000lf-Ad H=( [] X=TLSv1:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256 CV=no F=<[email protected]> rejected after DATA: Your message to <***@****> was classified as SPAM. Please add more content, cut down on HTML links, use fewer naughty words etc. Also, ask your IT dept to make sure your mailserver has REVERSEDNS, SPF, DKIM, and is not on any black lists. Your score: 100

White list

This is very annoing for the workers who process the orders.

How can i keep these emails form being blocked...

Exim 4.89
spamassassin and easy_spam_fighter

Thx in advance!!!
1. They are global lists and will effect all users on the server.

2. How would you differentiate which domain is added by which user?

3. How would you treat a situation when one sender is defined as spammer by one user and is trusted by another?
All very good points. Main problem is the lack of transparency at the moment with Easy Spam Fighter for the end user. If an email was dropped for some reason the end user doesn't have any way of knowing the email was dropped and why it was dropped. Resulting in lots of support requests by these users. It would be very nice if they could figure out a way to make this more transparent for the end user.
This would be up to the guys at DirectAdmin I suppose, a good start would be to have the option for an end user to whitelist.
Personally I don't like an idea that an user on my server can change global lists.

The individual lists probably could be added, but ESF works on different ACLs (set on various steps of receiving of an email) and I guess ESF can not clearly identify recipient on every step of the process.

Anyway probably other forum members could share their thoughts.
I agree that customers should not be able to change global settings. They can whitelist for spamassassin if I'm not mistaken.
If that don't work, it might be better to investigate what exactly is going wrong.

When mails from ideal and banks like abnamro or ING are being blocked for spam then why is it? Maybe the html or url check is setup to hard?
IMHO it's better to fix the cause then to whitelist domains.

Like I always get mails back in the mailer-deamen, send from the softaculous installation to some providers. Reason "spam link" but the only link in there is to the users domain with a message he should upgrade his wordpress installation on that website. LoL. :D
But that was to external ISP's.

I doubt something is setup wrong with the bank, so why is this being blocked by ESF?
Look into the header if possible and see where the 100 spam score is coming from.