email migration from one OS to another (FC3)


Verified User
Aug 16, 2005
hi, i had a perfectly find and working system, but one day i decided to upgrade my fedora core3 to newest one. but messed up an upgrade on fc3 to fc4 halfway due to some missing dependencies through yum.
system would not run after reboot, since packages were updated and some were not and they had a mismatch on version. therefore, apache wont run,email wont run, so i couldnt even do a da backup on it through the admin. (i dont have any backup)

so i had to add a second drive so i can move from one hard disk to another.

so i added a second harddrive, and i installed a fresh copy of fc3 on it and booted it.

i then reinstalled directadmin on it.

then i created the user accounts, email accounts, ftp accounts.

then i moved over the web files over from old hard drive to new hard drive.

now everything is working fine except i dont have the previously stored emails.

now i want to migrate all my emails from old harddrive to new harddrive.

how can i do this?

i already added the user and created the email accounts through directadmin.

which files do i need to move over my old hard drive?
The email should have been stored in the /home/*user*/imap directory if you were using dovecot. If you were using vm-pop3d I am not sure where they are stored but might want to check places like /var/mail or /var/spool to see if you see thinks like INBOX.spam inside domain folders.