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We have been running directadmin for a long time and it almost always works great and the small problems i do have can be fixen by google and the DA forum but i have been strugling with a problem 2 of my 15 servers have.
The customers on these server receive their emails multiple times even when the are deleted any ideas where to look i found 1 similar problem with the unseen modification but that doesnt seem to work.
Centos 4.5
DA 1.31
Exim (latest)
Some help would be great .
We have been running directadmin for a long time and it almost always works great and the small problems i do have can be fixen by google and the DA forum but i have been strugling with a problem 2 of my 15 servers have.
The customers on these server receive their emails multiple times even when the are deleted any ideas where to look i found 1 similar problem with the unseen modification but that doesnt seem to work.
Centos 4.5
DA 1.31
Exim (latest)
Some help would be great .