Email multiple times received


Verified User
May 10, 2006
The Netherlands

We have been running directadmin for a long time and it almost always works great and the small problems i do have can be fixen by google and the DA forum but i have been strugling with a problem 2 of my 15 servers have.

The customers on these server receive their emails multiple times even when the are deleted any ideas where to look i found 1 similar problem with the unseen modification but that doesnt seem to work.

Centos 4.5
DA 1.31
Exim (latest)

Some help would be great .

I too am having this problem currently. Some messages all users receive 2-5 times, and some come through once. Did you find any solution to this problem?

I suspect it might have something to do with the SSL certificate, I'm investigating that right now.
Here is a copy of some of the logs on a message that was received 3 times. You can see it was sent by the server 3 times. I am thinking that exim is not completing the transaction so that the external servers (this is happening all across the board, not specific to any other server) try to resend the message until it completes. Going to try to run an update to exim to see if I can resolve this.

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According to Exim, these are all separate emails; they all have separate IDs.

yupe i followed the complete trail tested it with another hosting provider and he could actually see 3 differend emails comming in but we only send it ones.
The person that receives the email will have Outlook in the headers.
Which version of exim you using? I suggest you upgrade to exim 4.69 it maybe resolved this problem. I facing receive multiple emails too on Feb 08. But the problem resolved once the DA Tech support (John) help me recompile to exim version 4.69 . Make update your exim.conf and too. See below link:

The problem keep on receiving multiple emails cause of some others languages eg. chinese or japanese . Their emails header are different. You can see that the Makefile have additional this line "HAVE_ICONV=yes" .
Hope it resolve your problem.