hi im trying to find the path of my pipe.php script to setup email piping
according to one of the errors that i got this is the address of my public_html
so i thought this must be the path and i did forward my email to
but apparently it's not the path and email couldn't reach the destination
i've tried to use
as someone suggested but it didn't work
is there a way to findout the correct path ?
according to one of the errors that i got this is the address of my public_html
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/mif07ksilc/domains/site.com/public_html/class/phpmailer.php on line 1189
so i thought this must be the path and i did forward my email to
but apparently it's not the path and email couldn't reach the destination
i've tried to use
"|/usr/local/bin/php -q /domains/site.com/public_html/pipe.php"
is there a way to findout the correct path ?