Email question


Verified User
Mar 7, 2005
The Netherlands
Hello all,

We're running a DA box and we only use it for webhosting. All system email (cron, etc) should be routed to another box, but how do we accomplish that?

I hope someone can help, because it's driving me crazy now :)

There are many posts in these forums explaining.

You have to have mx by default point to another server, so foreign servers will know where to send mail destined for domains on your server. You can do that by moving the proper DNS template to the custom directory, and then changing it there.

You also have to make some changes to point the local mailserver to the foreign server hosting the MX as well. I'm not in the office and don't have my notes here so you can find that somewhere in these forums. It's a file in /etc/virtual.

Or of course you can make a custom change to /etc/exim.conf so it doesn't check, but uses mx records in dns for all email; this has been discussed in these forums as well.

I have this working for root/admin messages. They are forwarded to an external email account.

I also want the cron output for my users to be mailed to their default email address. I cannot find how to do that.
