Emails being received over and over...


Verified User
Oct 28, 2006

I got a problem with one of my servers administered by directadmin:

CERTAIN emails I receive I keep receiving over and over. That means when I check my emails, certain emails keep arriving (e.g. the ones from paypal) even though I received them before already.

It almost seems as if my Emailclient wouldn´t get the allowance by the server to delete the mails from the server after it has received em. But that cannot be since all other emails I receive I only receive once - as it should be. Also Emailclient itself cannot be the problem, since I tried several other emailclients - even on different computers - and this happens no mather which computer or emailclient I use.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve that problem? I tried updating exim and dovecot already by custombuild as well as rebooting both of them as well as the whole server several times.

I think I just got the problem solved.

I did a " ./build exim_conf "

It seems to have worked. Not receiving the emails anymore. Time will tell if it was a proper solution.