Emails spams


New member
Aug 6, 2017

i found that my WP twentyTwelve theme used some kind of Java Script to send emails from my main email user.
this is my main email that defined in directAdmin and use almost 10GB of sent emails.
i just deleted twentyTwelve theme but i would like to delete all sent emails from this user account.

how can i do it?

Are you sure it's the Twenty Twelve theme? Because I'm using that for a long time and not a single mail is send from that.
So I doubt that only removing that theme will fix your problem.
However it could be that your Wordpress installation is sending you things like update notices to your main email account, you might check that.

What do you mean by "I want to delete all sent emails from this user account"?
Are they still in send items?

You can login via your control panel and go to E-Mail accounts.
Select the email address and at the bottom use the dropdown where it says "spam box" and change that to imap folders. On the right side select "All e-mail" or whatever you want.
Then click the "Purge From" button.