enable leech protect in directadmin


Verified User
Jul 20, 2012
Hello everyone.
I want to protect my download server's files from leeching...how can i do that?
my server os : centos 6
my control panel : Direct Admin
Do you mean files on your website or something else?

If it is your website do you want to completely block people or just limit how many connections there are.
Do you mean files on your website or something else?

If it is your website do you want to completely block people or just limit how many connections there are.

yes, files on my website

no i dont want to block people or limit connections.
i just dont want to the other webmasters,do not leech or copy my files in their server. the ordinary users can unlimitly downloading from servers
You mean Hotlink Protection?

RewriteEngine on 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} . 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\\.)?yoursite\\.com [NC] 
RewriteRule \\.(gif|jpe?g)$ /images/hotlink.$1 [L]
DirectAdmin doesn't offer this as a feature; it's probably still doable, though I don't know how.

Anyone know?

(Note I've converted your links to make them easier for our readers to follow.)


(if I understood it correctly after reading this http://www.hostable.com/app/knowledgebase/Article-34-Leech-Protect)

depending on how you organize downloading process and accounts handling, you might need either to write a script to manage the limits of authorizations with a single pair of login/password or use a CMS which can do it for you (I don't know any).

Anyway I really don't see how can Directadmin help you with that. I don't know CPanel good enough to say how is it organized there, but my guess would be that it deals with apache http-authentication, and it might parse apache logs and count how many authorizations is made with every login/password during a certain amount of time and take necessary actions.

Hello everyone.
I want to protect my download server's files from leeching...how can i do that?
my server os : centos 6
my control panel : Direct Admin