enable Pcntl and imap on centos 7


New member
Sep 7, 2015
Hi, I want to enable Pcntl functions on centos 7 (64-bit) and latest Directadmin installed on it. I think this is my answser, right?

but I don't know what to add in the last line that explained in that link:
Add your --with-module line to the end of the custom/ap2/configure.php5 file ...

and Do I need to enable anything in php.ini?
2- and Also I want to enable imap in directadmin, I searched and found some solutions, but it seems that I need to install another packages for centos 7 :

Would you tell me how to enable imap and pcntl_functionsX step by step?

I think I should mention this that I ran this commands before (another custom build done before):
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
nano options.conf

Please check http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=341 for IMAP. The answer to your 1st question: you don't need to enable anything in php.ini :) If you don't know how to add the line, please use CustomBuild 2.0 plugin to customize the configuration.

I tired to enable IMAP with the url you gave me, but after command "./imap_php.sh" it tries to connect tp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/... and loops to connecting, and it doesn't continue anyomre(I copied it below).
--2015-09-30 02:24:26-- ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap/imap-2007f.tar.gz
(try:13) => ‘imap-2007f.tar.gz’
Connecting to ftp.cac.washington.edu (ftp.cac.washington.edu)|140.142.X.X|:21...
I think this link is not valid or the IP of my server is banned in their server!!!. Is it possible to enable IMAP in different way? or can you add enabling IMAP in your custombuild plugin?

I insalled custombuild plugin 2, and I could enable pcntl,thank you, but Does my previuos changes are ignored? yes? I mean changing the disabled_functions of php, or installing cloudflare module to retrieve the main visitor IP and etc... that I did before are ignored after installing custombuild plugin 2 and they change to default, right?
I insalled custombuild plugin 2, and I could enable pcntl,thank you, but Does my previuos changes are ignored? yes? I mean changing the disabled_functions of php, or installing cloudflare module to retrieve the main visitor IP and etc... that I did before are ignored after installing custombuild plugin 2 and they change to default, right?

Hi da_user99, how you resolve the use of pcntl?

Dear zEitEr, yes a coma is missing. I have done the compilation with --enable-pcntl, I have set php1_mode=php-fpm.

I will try with php1_mode=mod_php instead.

When I run on the command line

php -i | grep pcntl

Shows nothing.

It means you modified a wrong file. ap2/configure.php* is for mod_php only. For PHP-FPM the files to be modified can be found under fpm/configure.php*