Ensim Conversion Script


Verified User
May 30, 2003
Hi Guys,

I just wanted to let you know that I have developed an Ensim -> DA conversion script, and will be releasing it publicly after I test it extensively on my own machines.

I hope that by me releasing this, we can possibly steal some Ensim clients, and get them to move to DirectAdmin.

Also, for those of you interested in my skin, everything is now finished except for the Admin panel (which only requires a little bit of work). Once my DirectAdmin machine is up and running, I will create a demo account for everyone to play with.
Hi loopforever :)

loopforever said:
I just wanted to let you know that I have developed an Ensim -> DA conversion script, and will be releasing it publicly after I test it extensively on my own machines.

Sounds like a useful script to me :) we use Ensim although, we will be keeping it as an option. Im sure it will come in useful for other ensim users though :)

loopforever said:
Also, for those of you interested in my skin, everything is now finished except for the Admin panel (which only requires a little bit of work). Once my DirectAdmin machine is up and running, I will create a demo account for everyone to play with.

Any idea how much it will cost / licenses / etc

Hi Chris,

The skin is freeware and will be included in DA distributions. It's free to use, free to modify but not free to distribute without my permission :).

I'd say it's a pretty good deal ;)!
** any news on the conversion script, has it been released?

It has been released (a few weeks ago), check the forum for the link, I don't remember where I posted it off hand. :p.

There is a major update that I've got to make to it, so don't use it until I post the update. Thanks!