ensure packages match customer account


Verified User
Aug 2, 2005
New York
We have over 40 DirectAdmin servers we manage and we need a method to ensure the package the customer is paying for is what they are getting. We update our packages and then put them in a RPM to distribute to all our servers. We need a method to validate the customer package and also change them if needed to match.

I notice one possible bug with DA:
- We disabled SpamAssassin option via DA in each package and quite a few users did not have this option turned off. They were not custom but part of a package.

It would be very nice for us to run a script to validate the customer against the package they are on and if it matches displaying the differences. An optional parameter should be to automatically change the customer account to match their plan.
While is a good start if in fact these are bugs. Ideally any change in the package features should affect all accounts that are in that package no?
It already does that, assuming the User is still assigned to the package.
When you update the package, DA will go through the whole list of Users using it and update their user.conf settings to match.

Note that if you had made any customizations to a user, like increasing their disk space for their acount, their package is set to "custom" and they're no longer part of the initial package. Just something to be aware of.

oh yea well aware of that, nor is the issue we really need resolved. :-) "custom" is whole other issue and that is something I don't expect DA to handle (but would be nice to do mass changes to custom plans)

At minimum we need to have some access to DA process to force an update to all packages

Similar to something like:

"action=rewrite&value=packages" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

The packages updates isn't part of the task.queue ?

I can see how having something like run daily/weekly will ensure your accounts are correct.