Entire mail system doesn't work


New member
Sep 1, 2024
Hi y'all.

First off, my understanding of server management is extremely limited since I'm just starting.

Even though with Plesk on my old hoster it was a no-brainer to install the mail structure, with Direct Admin I can't manage to get anything working.

I'm unable to recieve and to send e-mails. When accessing roundcube with the Evolution Scan I get the message you can see on the picture attached. Not always "SELECT" though. It changes between SELECT, CAPABILITIES and STATUS (subjectively arbitrary). When trying to send mails I get "SMTP error (503) - authentication failed".

When accessing Roundcube via "Enhanced Skin". It at least shows some WordPress notifications in the inbox, but same problem.. nothing goes out, nothing (external) comes in. The mail admin queue has around 200 mails in it. When trying to send e-mails I get "Mail has been sent successfully". But the recipient gets nothing.

Dovecot has been restarted. Roundcube has been updated.

Mail log looks like this:

Sep 3 01:06:17 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<root>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22072, secured, session=<9+oxqiwhIuUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:06:17 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(root): Error: Invalid settings in userdb: userdb returned 0 as uid
Sep 3 01:06:18 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<root>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22075, secured, session=<Kuw+qiwhJOUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:06:18 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(root): Error: Invalid settings in userdb: userdb returned 0 as uid
Sep 3 01:06:18 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<root>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22076, secured, session=<efo+qiwhLOUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:06:18 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(root): Error: Invalid settings in userdb: userdb returned 0 as uid
Sep 3 01:06:36 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<admin>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22080, secured, session=<oC5HqywhEKEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:06:36 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(admin)<22080><oC5HqywhEKEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Disconnected: Logged out in=70 out=709 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Sep 3 01:06:36 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<admin>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22083, secured, session=<seNQqywhHKEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:06:36 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<admin>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22084, secured, session=<dvFQqywhIKEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:06:36 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(admin)<22083><seNQqywhHKEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Disconnected: Logged out in=320 out=24896 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=46 hdr_bytes=13778 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Sep 3 01:06:36 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(admin)<22084><dvFQqywhIKEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Disconnected: Logged out in=120 out=844 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Sep 3 01:07:19 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<root>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22127, secured, session=<l8PYrSwh1NkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:07:19 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(root): Error: Invalid settings in userdb: userdb returned 0 as uid
Sep 3 01:08:19 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<root>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22219, secured, session=<bolssSwhIp8AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:08:19 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(root): Error: Invalid settings in userdb: userdb returned 0 as uid
Sep 3 01:09:11 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap-login: Login: user=<root>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=22251, secured, session=<RMuPtCwh4owAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 01:09:11 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19923]: imap(root): Error: Invalid settings in userdb: userdb returned 0 as uid

Sep 3 00:51:27 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: imap-login: Login: user=<root>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, mpid=18879, secured, session=<LqwkdSwhWu0AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>
Sep 3 00:51:27 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: imap(root): Error: Invalid settings in userdb: userdb returned 0 as uid
Sep 3 00:52:27 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: pop3-login: Disconnected: Connection closed (no auth attempts in 1 secs): user=<>, rip=167.IP.IP.IP, lip=205.IP.IP.IP, TLS: Connection closed, session=<+AeyeCwhKIunXpFh>
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7625]: master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0 code=kill)
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: managesieve-login: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0 code=kill)
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: pop3-login: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0 code=kill)
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: imap-login: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0 code=kill)
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: anvil: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0 code=kill)
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: log(7632): Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=1 uid=0 code=kill)
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: log(7632): Warning: Shutting down logging for 'anvil: ' with 1 clients
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: log(7632): Warning: Shutting down logging for 'imap-login: ' with 1 clients
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: log(7632): Warning: Shutting down logging for 'pop3-login: ' with 1 clients
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[7632]: log(7632): Warning: Shutting down logging for 'managesieve-login: ' with 1 clients
Sep 3 00:52:57 server-205-IP-IP-IP dovecot[19390]: master: Dovecot v2.3.21 (47349e2482) starting up for imap, pop3, lmtp, sieve (core dumps disabled)

Would highly appreciate some help here.

Kind regards


  • Server Error.jpg
    Server Error.jpg
    10.1 KB · Views: 6
I would reinstall roundcube via custombuild menus. Also, did you create an email account or are you trying to use the default mail account shown in the list right after creating the DA account? If so, don't use that, create an email account on the Email Accounts page for use.
I would reinstall roundcube via custombuild menus. Also, did you create an email account or are you trying to use the default mail account shown in the list right after creating the DA account? If so, don't use that, create an email account on the Email Accounts page for use.

Hey there.

Thank you very much for trying to help. I already reinstalled roundcube a few times. Unfortunately it didn't change anything.
And in regards to mail addresses, I created them myself. Since I've just moved hosters and changed control panels, I, of course wanted to use the same mail addresses the customers are already used to. However, I also tried forwarding and using the default one and only using one mail address. However,.. nothing has changed.

Is there any more I can do? I was also convinced a reinstallation of roundcube would solve the problem. :-/

By the way, it now occasionally shows the following error messages:

"Connection to storage server failed."
"Server Error: Empty password"