Error 451 When Trying to Send/Recieve Email


New member
Aug 4, 2009

I am not the most technologically savvy so keep that in mind. We get our work email off a POP3 server and this morning I suddenly couldn't send any email out without seeing a "451 temporary local error" message come up. I also cannot receive any email. Everyone at work is having the same problem. We use Outlook 2003.

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.
I saw

that thread but honestly I don't understand what the solution is/ how to go about doing it
Check server logs /var/log/directadmin/exim/mainlog

I don't know how you found our forums for your question but it's likely you don't manage your own DirectAdmin server, so whether or not your server even runs DirectAdmin you'll have to ask your hosting company.

If I'm wrong and you do manage your own DirectAdmin-based server, then scsi has given you correct information.
