Error connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user: 'da_admin@localhost' (Using passwo

I haven't had to do that, but what part of that is failing? Have you completed the steps and they all work find, and you are still getting errors accessing the DA portion of mysql?
You have not specified what you are using to access mysql.

When you reset the password did you set it to the one located in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf
Could someone help me

Error connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user 'da_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Repair guide:

I been using the guide and follow all the step for 5 hour straight still can't get it to work.
Here what i did:
Sorry to say that but you miss-understood the guide, and did complete it successfully.
You did not connect to MySQL console, as these commands:

use mysql
 UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('newpass') WHERE user='root';

you should run in MySQL console.

p.s. I don't recall any success when trying this part:

mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

thus you might need to do this instead:

# screen mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
# mysql

and then only run commands to set a new password. Remember to kill a screen session as soon as you finish with MySQL.
I have try enter the password i change or even used my root password but still won't access it
You should then either follow the guide once more, or get somebody to do it for you. If I'll do it for you, it will cost you some money, note there are other guys who can login into your server and fix your issue, and some of them might do that at no cost. So feel free PM any of us.
I have follow the guide few time over and was able to access now but when i enter the next part
I get
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
That's a text files, you should open it with a text-viewer or editor, or do

cat /var/lib/mysql/`hostname`.err


tail -50 /var/lib/mysql/`hostname`.err
Run then mysql_upgrade.

Check and read carefully this

mysql_upgrade should be executed each time you upgrade MySQL. It checks all tables in all databases for incompatibilities with the current version of MySQL Server. If a table is found to have a possible incompatibility, it is checked. If any problems are found, the table is repaired. mysql_upgrade also upgrades the system tables so that you can take advantage of new privileges or capabilities that might have been added.

All checked and repaired tables are marked with the current MySQL version number. This ensures that next time you run mysql_upgrade with the same version of the server, it can tell whether there is any need to check or repair the table again.
Old Thread new problem, who knows the solution ?

Hello everyone,

I have a hosting account and am using DirectAdmin.
I made a domain and made in this domain several subdomains.
Each subdomain will be a website.
Each subdomain has its own mysql database.
So that's clear and I did made several databases, uploaded the php's by FTP and started testing.
The domain with the last added database worked fine.
The others didn't work and gave the error mentioned of this topic.

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'portaaq34_alfred'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I was searching what causes this message and changed the password of the mysqldatabase which wasn't working.
After the change, the database worked in that domain.
But the others did not !

Doing the same with the other not working domains caused the same issue and only the last changed mysqlaccount does work.
Explaining this to my provider I am still waiting for the answer, because when its a regular problem he would known and I would find the answer at this forum, but did not.

It looks like the same configuration file has been OVERwritten with the last updated password.
It would be unlikely when I am only allowed to make 1 msql database per domain !
And I need to make 1 msql database per subdomain.

So who knows the problem and how to solve the problem?
Many thanks for your opinions and answers.
You're storing your password somewhere. Possibly somewhere being shared by all subdomains. Because whenever you've changed your password it works for that domain but no longe4r works for the others.

Which to me indicates only one file storing passwords.
