Error Creating Domain


Verified User
Aug 11, 2005
Error Creating Domain


Unable to write user's httpd.conf
Could not include user's httpd file to the main httpd.conf

Check to make sure you have enough space on your hard drive partition(s).

You may need to run the DA permissions script.

Funny.. got suddenly the same error on one server (enough diskspace)

I got it when I create a new domain on a existing account, that account already has 220 domains in it! That must be the reason because new accounts work and adding domains to accounts with less domains also works.

Anyone familiar with limits on domains per account ?
I found the solution for my problem.

The backup gave an error since a few days:
Unable to get data from file: /var/named/

That was a domain that was deleted a few days ago(through the api). For some strange reason not everything was deleted and deleting the account again did not work. I deleted the corrsponding files in /var/spool/virtual with the domainname. After that deleting the domain worked.

Suddenly adding new domains in that account worked again.