error "Creating that many Pop Accounts would put you over your limit of 0"


Verified User
Aug 29, 2009

I created a reseller package and set up mail accounts, Email Forwarders, Mailing Lists, AutoResponders to be 0 in the admin level.

Then I open up the reseller account and created another package used for hosting accounts. Again, I have set those as 0.

When I create an account, I am encountering this error message, and account is not being created:

"Creating that many Pop Accounts would put you over your limit of 0"

How come I am getting this when the package has 0 mail accounts??

Can someone please help me troubleshoot this issue?

I am running CentOS 5.2
Another option is to login to your reseller account, select the user, click modify user, add the required number of email accounts you want to make.

Now you can create the email account.

Since I've never given a user 0 mailboxes, I'm not sure if that causes an issue with user creation. It could, since a user requires a mailbox. Ther's no way to create a user without a mailbox; linux and unix both do so automatically.

You should test to see if you create a user with one mailbox, if the user can still create one after the creatio of the user creates one.
