Error creating wildcard certificate within DirectAdmin


Verified User
Oct 24, 2004

I am having a problem creating a CSR for a wildcard certificate under DirectAdmin as it keeps on giving me the error:

Name must only contain letters, spaces and/or periods


Now, I do know that we need to use the format * for Common Name, but why isn't directadmin permitting me to do so?

Please help. Need the cert asap and I would like to add it thru DirectAdmin and not thru SSH

DirectAdmin doesn't allow "*" in CSRs created through it's web-based user interface.

If your CA requires the "*" be in the wildcard csr, then you'll need to create from the Linux command line.


I'm trying to purchase a True BusinessID wildcard cert from Geotrust- what wildcard format would you suggest I use for the common name if I was to do it through DA?

Again, your insights on this would be greatly appreciated.

I don't see anywhere on their site any other option besides the "*", so I'd call this a limitation in DA.

You said you were in a hurry, so I didn't add my usual "contact DA support" or perhaps "Ask DA if they'll add the feature to a future release.

Any FreeSSL reseller or GeoTrust reseller can sell wildcard certs; if you don't know how to create the CSR from the command line yourself, or if you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, then perhaps using a reseller with personal service might be an option for you.

If you do decide to go that route you may even find the cert cheaper from a reseller than from GeoTrust.

See the advertising forum here for one option :) .
