Error during automated certificate renewal for


Verified User
Nov 14, 2014
I'm getting the above message along with a ticket generated by directadmin. However, when I try to access the ticket, I get this:

Cannot execute your request


You don't have permission to view that ticket

Also, the affected domain has actually been successfully renewed. Now this occurs after having updated my VPS to PHP 7.1 (from 5.2) and a host of other updates to directadmin, apache etc. Letsencrypt itself has also been updated.
Is there a log I can view somewhere detailing what, if anything other than generating an error message, went wrong?
Update: after going through this help article:, I realised curl was no longer functional after updating some stuff on my server. I reinstalled it using ./build curl, after which I got a 'nonce' error with no output. I later did a ./build remove curl, which instead removed spamassassin. (wrong command, I guess). After then running ./build spamassassin and ./build curl again, everything started working as it should.
As usual, I'm not entirely clear on what happened, but stuff is working again. Thumbs up, I guess.