Error in restore mysql backups (MariaDB)


Verified User
Aug 20, 2008
I did backup from my users in admin-backup/transfer(OS= centos6.x 64bit with mysql5.5)
Now I install centos 7.x 64bit and restore accounts but some databases of users can not restore completely.
I check it and see Centos 7.x mysql server hast MariaDB
What to do for restore database backups completely in mariaDB?
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.41-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
Thank you
Here the same kind errors only old system was centos5x CB1x
New cent0s7, mariadb 10, CB2

UH apllication DB"S yours to? ( softaculous, serendippity as i remember)

Error I don't remember ( maybe because of other newer used pashashes, ?), I used workarround
IN DA user new server created a new DB for easy use the same name, if possible same user name but is not neccesary.
I used same paswords, but should only be important if you can't change them in the apllication yourself

Then PHPmyadmin and from old server a export on new server a import that DB for that user.

I didn't had time to take care of failure / error form the backup import back da panel, because this was faster for me to do.

If you can't export old dbs anymore, then perhaps unzip them and look for the Database part you can use for import in phpmyadmin if possible, if corrupt or other codeset no ut8 or so then....
If to big files then mysqldumper is a kind of DIY helper if old server is still there. ( for old server "da_admin" as
"supersqluser" ;) )
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