ERROR! MySQL server PID file could not be found!


Verified User
Apr 15, 2014

I was trying to optimize mysql and found this article

so I went ahead and created the /etc/my.cnf that did not exist

cp -f /usr/share/mysql/my-large.cnf /etc/my.cnf

now I am unable to restar mysql, the error is

ERROR! MySQL server PID file could not be found!

I think I lost the original my.cnf

what can I do to create a new valid my.cnf?

Thank you
I was able to fix it!

but I have a question, on this article do you think this article is still updated?

when I add that conf to my.cnf the mysqld wont start, but I have doubts if that config is to replace all the existing file or to add at the end? I tried both and it did not work, what can be the issue?
Nice that you fixed it, but would you be willing to share with us how you fixed it?

I was thinking about optimizing too but I won't do it this way if the article is outdated.
in my case, I have delete the original my.cnf file and I did not had a backup, so I have copy the template from /usr/share/mysql/my.cnf to /etc/my.cnf and what was missing was to add the password of mysql to that file, after restarting it did work

I would still like to hear from someone some suggestion to how optimize the mysql and if the my.cnf on this link makes sense: , and why if we add it at the end of the existing my.cnf it does not work, so how should that config be placed on my.cnf?

thank you
sorry, I found that the mysql conf on that article is only for mysql 4
I have used in the past MySQLTuner and I have completely forgot about it, I believe that there is no tool that can replace a good dba administrator, but since I am not a developer, the only option I have is to try with a tool, MySQLTuner can be an option, what is your experience with it? did you manage to optimize mysql and did you confirm the final results?

you use Percona Query Advisor for MySQL to check your querires? is that how you work with percona?
I was talking about the mysql config generator not the query advisor.