Error on logout filemanager (fixed/working as designed)

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
I just tried something in Evo skin in the file Manager.

On the bottom left side of the file manager there is the logout button.

When I clicked thant, the following error appeared:
Using "GET /CMD_LOGOUT" to log out is deprecated. Please consider using "/api/logout" or "/api/session/login-as/return" to handle logout functions
with a very small logout button below that error.

I did get logged out, however, seems to me this should not be happening from there.
The same error with Enhanced skin. It seems not only in Evo skin. Is it a bug in DA core? Anyone from DA can reply, please?
Yes it's also in Enhanced. Only difference is that in Enhanced you can press the delete button, but then that message appears.
So the issue is in both skins.
As mentioned in the thread despite the message logout operation is still being performed. This change is to help us catch all instances where a `GET` request was used to perform logout instead of `POST`. Wit the DA 1.649 Enhanced uses different logout logic and should not show this message unless old version of skin was copied and not updated. FileManager is updated in DA 1.650 to use proper logout operation and avoid this message.