Error on restore! Decoding error (36) : Restored data doesn't match checksum only with .zst

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
We are transferring accounts to a new server. I made backups via admin backup/transfer and are now restoring on the new server but it comes with errors on various accounts.

Unable to extract the directory 'backup' from the file /home/admin/admin_backups/user.admin.pietje.tar.zst as user pietje
/*stdin*\ : Decoding error (36) : Restored data doesn't match checksum
/bin/tar: Child returned status 1
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Got 2 or 3 others, in those cases its same error but user.conf like this:
Unable to extract backup/user.conf from /home/admin/admin_backups/user.admin.pietje.tar.zst

What is this and how can I fix this?

I could rsync the user.conf from the old server, but I don't know if that would be safe enough.
Edit: Nope, user.conf is not enough, all domains are missing from the restore.
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So this issue was with big files (unpacked around 25 GB) and -only- with .zst compression.
I changed the configuration to use .tar.gz as backup method.

And now the restore went fine without any issue.

Is this a bug within DA and .zst or why is tar.gz working flawlessly and restore of .zst gives me these issues?
Hello Richard,

I guess the error "Restored data doesn't match checksum" is caused by the fact the file was either corrupted during the upload, or did not transfer in full.

And while I don't have a reply, I could still give you an idea on how to test it. You might find it out by extracting a ZST file in cli. Try and unpack the file, if you get an extracting error, it might give you a clue.

Is this a bug within DA and .zst or why is tar.gz working flawlessly and restore of .zst gives me these issues?