Error : Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized


Verified User
Jul 1, 2019

we have replaced the old paid certificate and this error is showing on browser.

Error : Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized

tried with letsencrypt the result is also the same.

how to solve this?

try disable cert, to clean all. then enable and add new. maybe it related to wrong CAcert
try disable cert, to clean all. then enable and add new. maybe it related to wrong CAcert

This has been tried and the results are the same when reactivated and using online ssl-checker there is no problem with the certificate.

is there a way to purge the previous cert?
using online ssl-checker there is no problem with the certificate - so maybe your browser cached old cert?
using online ssl-checker there is no problem with the certificate - so maybe your browser cached old cert?
its same from all browser with cache cleared.

we have clear all cert file on /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/USER/domains/ but not solved this :(