Error trying to install Openlitespeed


New member
Mar 17, 2024
I've been trying to install Openlitespeed using the Directadmins docs here:

The very first command is:

./build set webserver openlitespeed

And I get the message:

-bash: ./build: No such file or directory

What am I missing here?

Any help appreciated.

Think I got it figured out. The commands have to be run from


They omitted that from the documentation. I was running from root

yes or use the new syntax wich can be run anywhere:

da build

Just type it anywhere and you will see:

[root ~]# da build
 | DirectAdmin WebServices Installer                         |
 | Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin             |
 | Version: 2.0.0                                            |
 | To build everything run:                                  |
 |    da build all                                           |
 |                                                           |
 |  NOTE: Command all will compile everything as it is set   |
 |    in the options.conf file, please take a look at        |
 |    "da build options"!                                    |
 | Install/update server components:                         |
 |    da build apache                                        |
 |    da build awstats                                       |
 |    da build csf                                           |
 |    da build clamav                                        |
 |    da build composer                                      |
 |    da build dovecot                                       |
 |    da build exim                                          |
 |    da build imagemagick                                   |
 |    da build imapsync                                      |
 |    da build jailshell                                     |
 |    da build lego                                          |
 |    da build libmodsecurity                                |
 |    da build litespeed                                     |
 |    da build mod_lsapi                                     |
 |    da build mod_proctitle                                 |
 |    da build mod_aclr2                                     |
 |    da build mod_htscanner2                                |
 |    da build mod_fcgid                                     |
 |    da build modsecurity                                   |
 |    da build modsecurity_rules                             |
 |    da build mysql                                         |
 |    da build netdata                                       |
 |    da build nginx                                         |
 |    da build nginx_apache                                  |
 |    da build openlitespeed                                 |
 |    da build pigeonhole                                    |
 |    da build php                                           |
 |    da build proftpd                                       |
 |    da build pureftpd                                      |
 |    da build redis                                         |
 |    da build rspamd                                        |
 |    da build spamassassin                                  |
 |    da build unit                                          |
 |    da build webalizer                                     |
 |    da build wp                                            |
 | Install/update PHP extensions:                            |
 |    da build php_gmp                                       |
 |    da build php_igbinary                                  |
 |    da build php_ioncube                                   |
 |    da build php_imagick                                   |
 |    da build php_imap                                      |
 |    da build php_ldap                                      |
 |    da build php_opcache                                   |
 |    da build php_phalcon                                   |
 |    da build php_psr                                       |
 |    da build php_redis                                     |
 |    da build php_readline                                  |
 |    da build php_snuffleupagus                             |
 |    da build php_suhosin                                   |
 |    da build php_xmlrpc                                    |
 |    da build php_zend                                      |
 | Components configuration options:                         |
 |    da build exim_conf                                     |
 |    da build dovecot_conf                                  |
 |    da build blockcracking                                 |
 |    da build easy_spam_fighter                             |
 |    da build php_ini                                       |
 |    da build rewrite_confs                                 |
 |    da build secure_php                                    |
 |    da build spamassassin_cron                             |
 |    da build litespeed_license                             |
 |    da build litespeed_license_migrate                     |
 | Install/update web applications:                          |
 |    da build phpmyadmin                                    |
 |    da build roundcube                                     |
 |    da build squirrelmail                                  |
 | CustomBuild related options/functions:                    |
 |    da build create_options                                |
 |    da build cron                                          |
 |    da build opt_help                                      |
 |    da build options_nobold                                |
 |    da build list_removals                                 |
 |    da build remove_items                                  |
 |    da build set                                           |
 |    da build update_da                                     |
 |    da build update_versions                               |
 |    da build update_webapps                                |
 |    da build used_configs                                  |
 |    da build versions                                      |
 | Remove old build data:                                    |
 |    da build clean                                         |
 |    da build clean_old_webapps                             |
 | Build everything what is set in the options.conf file:    |
 |    da build all                                           |
 | Build all PHP extensions set set in the php_extensions.conf file:   |
 |    da build php_extensions                                |
 | Recommended for experienced users only (!):               |
 |    da build php_htscanner2 php_release                    |
 |    da build set_service service ON|OFF|delete             |
 | You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input:        |
 |    da build <option> d : do the default action            |
 |    da build <option> y : answer yes to all questions      |
 |    da build <option> n : answer no to all questions       |