ERROR undefined is not an object (evaluating 't.DOMAIN_LIST[0]')


Verified User
Feb 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Documentation about Feature Sets here is a bit vague and in the latest DirectAdmin version I only get 3 default feature sets; Core Functions, DNS Only & E-mail only. But when I create a new user package called DNS just with Allow Selected; DNS Only I get this error:

ERROR undefined is not an object (evaluating 't.DOMAIN_LIST[0]')

When trying to login as that user. Maybe it's a but with the "Login as" functionality? Can't do anything after that error though.
This is normal, core functionality is required for the skin to work, it is pre-checked by default. Otherwise only API can use it for DNS adjustments.
Ah I see, error is gone if that's selected as well. Still getting a link to File Manager & Site Summary / Statistics / Logs would be nice if these weren't part of the DNS Only set either.

Where are the tickets and view_domain default feature sets by the way, never made it to the stable version?
Looks like the tickets and view_domain default feature sets as listed on the features page are still missing in the latest DirectAdmin version?

Would it be possible to add the "MX Records" to the email_only feature set as well since this is just DNS editing right, might be very helpful for these DNS only customers wanting to change their MX records to one of those pre configured external mail services.