Error: User is not of that type


Verified User
Jun 16, 2003
Alabama, USA
What Does This Mean?

Cannot Execute Command
The user is not of that type
Where did you get that error / awhat are you trying to do

A bit of info always comes in useful ;)


I'm not sure *where* thats being generated, but user type errors generally means you are trying to do something with a user that isn't who you think he is.. like, trying to delete a user but are deleting the user as a reseller...

More info would help :)

I got that error when i was trying to create a reseller in the admin settings screen. I am trying to create multiple ircds on one box and im trying to assign each one a shell with a dedicated ip. but i cant assign the ips to a reseller sccount and i cant create any resellers to assign one to because i get that message.
This error can occur if the username you have input is already in use. I'm willing to bet you tried to make a user called "admin" and it failed. This is the error you will see...

Change the username to an unused name and try again.
loopforever said:
This error can occur if the username you have input is already in use. I'm willing to bet you tried to make a user called "admin" and it failed. This is the error you will see...

Change the username to an unused name and try again.
uhh, I'm not that stupid. the username im trying to make is chaos or chaotic. they are names that havent been used anywhere.

I've added a better error message to tell you if that user is on the system as a system user. If you still see the "The user is not of that type" error, that means that there are pieces of a user left over from something...

to fix:
userdel -r username (just to make sure)
cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/
rm -rf username

Now that's an ugly way of doing it, and won't cleanup anything, so use it at your own risk :)

Thank you, could you please take a look at my help requests in the (User) and Troubleshooting parts.