error when restoring a site


Verified User
Feb 7, 2005
I am going to be updateing my OS from freebsd 5.2 to freebsd 6.1 at the end of the week. The plan was to do reseller backups before the OS is changed, update the OS, and then recreate the reseller accounts, and then restore all the resellers accounts using the DA restore/backup feature. I was just doing some testing and deleted an account, then tried to restore from the backup and I get errors.

Error Creating Domain :
<b>Error creating /home/domainadmin/domains/</b>
<b>Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission</b>

<b>Unable to create directory /home/domainadmin/domains/,</b>
<b>Parent directory does not allow write, or one of the directories didn't allow search (execution) permission</b>

<b>Unable to create directory /home/domainadmin/domains/,</b>
<b>A directory component in /home/guyadmin/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link</b>

When I go to look at the permissions/owners of the directories, some of them pretty messed up. User and group is 1048 and not domainadmin:apache or even domainadmin:domainadmin.

Since this is my test to see how smoothly the whole process will go, I am not real confident. This is about the easiest of all sites, 1 or 2 html files, no email, 1 user for the site. If the built in backup/restore doesn't work on something this simple, what am I supposed to do?

Any suggestions or info about what went wrong?
Make sure your DA is up-to-date, using the latest verson then run;

cd /usr/local/dir*/scripts
./ user_homes

Thats should fix your perms. run ./ to get a list of other options you can use.

I have had to use this on more than one occassion.
Thanks for the reply pucky.

DA is up to date. In order for permissions to be set correctly, would I need to do this after the site is restore?

If so, this wouldn't do anything to fix the problem with the directories and files that didn't get restored because of the permissions error in the first place.
If you are doing this for resellers you have to create the resellers first. Then do the restore.
floyd - once the new os is in place, this is what I had planned to do. But, the problem I had was while I was testing the backup/restore feature while logged in as reseller.