I have somes errors in DA error.log, is it normal ?
Also :
So, all the time, each seconds, theses error are written in the error.log ...
is this normal, must I worry and solve these errors?
I have somes errors in DA error.log, is it normal ?
This line "AuthassValid: unable to get "" is repeated for all my users ... all the time.... is it a login attempt from anyone ?2005:12:26-02:11:05: ConfigFile::writeFile(/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/f4eew/ftp.passwd) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2005:12:26-02:12:03: ConfigFile::writeFile(/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/f4eew/ftp.passwd) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2005:12:26-02:21:38: The username hasn't been set. Won't run the script without dropping privileges
2005:12:26-02:22:09: The username hasn't been set. Won't run the script without dropping privileges
2005:12:26-02:23:57: The username hasn't been set. Won't run the script without dropping privileges
2005:12:26-02:24:04: The username hasn't been set. Won't run the script without dropping privileges
2005:12:26-02:37:38: Auth:assValid: unable to get user_info for fredsat
2005:12:26-02:43:28: Auth:assValid: unable to get user_info for Kure
2005:12:26-07:23:55: Auth:assValid: unable to get user_info for Shaken
2005:12:26-07:24:04: Auth:assValid: unable to get user_info for Shaken
2005:12:26-07:24:12: Auth:assValid: unable to get user_info for Shaken
Also :
2005:12:28-17:49:47: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2005:12:28-17:51:49: Timeout from from : last flagged: Command::doCommand(/CMD_DB)
2005:12:28-17:54:08: Timeout from from : last flagged: Send::loadLangFile(./data/skins/francais/footer_bar_2.html) : ./data/skins/francais/lang/en/footer_bar_2.html : pre-exist
2005:12:28-17:54:08: Timeout from from : last flagged: Send::loadLangFile(./data/skins/francais/footer_bar_2.html) : ./data/skins/francais/lang/en/footer_bar_2.html : pre-exist
2005:12:28-18:58:57: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2005:12:28-19:02:07: Socket write error: Unknown error
2005:12:28-19:17:06: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2005:12:28-19:18:22: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2005:12:28-19:25:15: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2005:12:28-19:27:19: Socket write error: Unknown error
2005:12:30-23:19:47: empty read - dead from
2005:12:30-23:19:47: empty read - dead from
2005:12:30-23:19:47: empty read - dead from
2005:12:30-23:19:48: empty read - dead from
2005:12:30-23:19:51: empty read - dead from
So, all the time, each seconds, theses error are written in the error.log ...
is this normal, must I worry and solve these errors?