Evolution skin broken

May 13, 2024
Hello all,

I am not an DirectAdmin expert. So please be gentle. :)

Since a couple of weeks/months now an update of DirectAdmin broke the Evolution skin after login. And I am getting lost.
We get the following error after login.

Data Error
Could not load session data. Please, contact your administrator.

In the browser console the following error is reported:

'Validation failed:\n{\n  "customDomainItems": [\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    },\n    {\n      "type": "Expected \\"checkbox\\" | \\"text\\" | \\"listbox\\", but was string"\n    }\n  ]\n}.\nObject should match { allowedCommands: string[]; configFeatures: { auth2FA: boolean; bruteforceLogScanner: boolean; cgroup: boolean; clamav: boolean; composer: boolean; dnssec: number; git: boolean; imapsync: boolean; inode: boolean; ipv6: boolean; jail: number; mxWithoutDNSControl: boolean; netdataSock: boolean; nginx: boolean; nginxProxy: boolean; nginxTemplates: boolean; oneClickPMALogin: boolean; phpmyadmin: boolean; redis: boolean; resellerCustomizeSkinConfigJson: boolean; roundcube: boolean; rspamdSock: boolean; securityQuestions: boolean; squirrelMail: boolean; unit: boolean; webmail: boolean; wordpress: boolean; }; customDomainItems: { checked: boolean; default: string; description: string; hidden: boolean; label: string; name: string; options: { text: string; value: string; }[]; readOnly: boolean; type: "checkbox" | "text" | "listbox"; }[]; custombuildOptions: { modSecurity: boolean; }; demo: boolean; directadminConfig: { allowForwarderPipe: boolean; ftpSeparator: string; homeOverrides: string[]; loginKeys: boolean; maxFilesizeBytes: number; resellerWarningBandwidthPercentage: number; showPointersInList: number; tableDefaultIPP: number; userWarningBandwidthPercentage: number; userWarningInodePercentage: number; userWarningQuotaPercentage: number; webappsSSL: boolean; webmailHideLinks: boolean; webmailLink: string; }; effectiveRole: "user" | "reseller" | "admin"; effectiveUsername: string; havePluginHooksAdmin: boolean; havePluginHooksReseller: boolean; havePluginHooksUser: boolean; homeDir: string; loginAsDNSControl: boolean; phpmyadminPublic: boolean; realUsername: string; selectedDomain: string; sessionID: string; ticketsEnabled: boolean; }'

We are currently running DA version 1.663.
I think this might be a related fixed issue:

Can someone point me in the right direction?
If I should provide more information please let me know.
Anybody here to help me find a solution? Currently the DA management UI is compelely broken and unusable and I can still not find even a hint why this is broken?
You might open a ticket with DirectAdmin support and let them investigate it for you, if your license includes their support. In other case, you might completely remove all the skin customization and the skin itself, and re-install Evolution skin the way the user Active8 offered.

- /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/<USER>/skin_customizations/
- /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/evolution/