Evolution Skin - RULES!

DirectAdmin Support

Staff member
Feb 27, 2003

We're very pleased to be nearly finished the new Evolution skin.

At this time, there is a demo viewable here:

Feedback and suggestions are appreciated, but please post them to new threads in the Evolution Skin section. (don't hijack this thread with issues/suggestions)

Please avoid creating tickets or sending us emails about it, until it's closer to final release.

We prefer to keep discussion on the forum, so we're not overloaded with duplicate emails or suggestions that might be out of the scope of things ;)
Bouncing ideas off of you, our awesome community is what we're after anyway, so keeping it open and on here is how we'll get started.

There will likely be issues, and we're still working on a few other areas such as translation, and reactiveness (squishy for mobiles), but that will all come in time.

Apologies for posting in this thread - but seeing as it's not feedback/suggestions, I thought it might be more appropriate here. I have a simple question: what is the login information for the demo? When I click the link I'm simply directed to the normal login page for DirectAdmin.