Exim 4.69 & authentication required


Verified User
Dec 3, 2005
Hi All,
I've read some posts on the forum, but they didn't got my problem solved. This morning I updated exim and since then I'm having problems. After fiddling a while and restoring my exim.conf backup and other configuration files I still have one problem on the webserver.

When the email is addressed to an existing account on the webserver then everything works fine, however if I sent a message from the webserver to somebody that isn't listed then I get an authorization required error.

It worked before and I restored all the original exim files (exim.conf, exim.pl etc). But I keep getting authentication required when I send an email from the webserver.

I hope someone has encountered the same problem and can help me out on this one, or point me in the right direction. Maybe there's some config file I overlooked?

Basically I forward emails since our websites let's people interact. It was working before but now i get rejected rcpt (authentication required) on all the messages that need to be forwarded. My exim.conf is the same as before, so I think there must be another conig file that containt the blockage.

Thanks for any help.. :)
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My solution was simple, exim.conf contains a line with relay_host information, the only IP address which was there was My actual IPs were added behind like so: ...... : <IP1> : <IP2> and messages were sent again. There's only one problem left, which is that if I run a cronjob script then the mail isn't being sent. So I'm still figuring that one out.
My solution was simple, exim.conf contains a line with relay_host information, the only IP address which was there was
Which specific line of the exim.conf file are you referring to?

The reason i ask is because the standard exim.conf file doesn't require adding anything.


In fact, it does. I had to do that too.
The line is this one:
hostlist relay_hosts = net-lsearch;/etc/virtual/pophosts :
modified to:
hostlist relay_hosts = net-lsearch;/etc/virtual/pophosts : : : [for all IPs on my server]

All is fine if every software in the system uses "localhost:25" for SMTP (which is the default), but some software may be configured (for example PHP scripts by customers) to use "mail.localdomain.example:25" for SMTP, which is of course a local IP address but not localhost.
Then it does for you. No one else has ever posted the problem. Since I don't know your IP#s, the default distribution exim.conf file will never have your IP#s in it. If JBMC (publishers of DirectAdmin) want to create a new file list in /etc/virtual I suppose I can create a link to it in future versions of exim.conf.

John? What do you think?

Well the weird thing is: Before upgrading to 4.69 my exim.conf was not having IP's added, however after upgrading all I got was authentication required when sending emails from the php mail function, so added the IP's and voila everything worked again. :)
I upgraded d/l-ed exim from the original exim website and then installed it, accidentally overwriting my old .conf files, but I backed those up and when restoring them I got authentication required all the time untill my IP addresses were added to the exim.conf file.

Now I only have 1 problem left which is that if I run a cronjob script that uses the PHP mail function then it tries to send an email under an non-existing account even if I use the "From" and set it to an existing user account like admin.

I tried upgrading with custombuild but I get build errors using it. I'm not an expert on Linux yet, so if I get build errors then I am in trouble. :D

1) regarding the auth error, that means one of two things since there are 2 ways to authenticate. There is smtp-auth, which you're probalby not using. This passes the user/pass along with the email to exim. This is set in your outlook's smtp setting "my server requires authentication". The other way is to rely on da-popb4smtp. da-popb4smpt will scan your /var/log/maillog for successfull pop/imap logins, then grab your IP from those logins and thow them into the /etc/virtual/pophosts file. Note that this file is on the same line you had edited. That leads me to believe that da-popb4smtp is probably simply not working correctly, or else you have not recently checked your pop or imap account, hence your IP isn't showing up in the pophosts file. Your manual method works too, but just throught I'd let you know there is an automated solution that is already in place (but not addig your IP for whatever reason)

2) cronjobs run scripts as the system account, eg: "bob". On the system, exim sees bob as an untrusted user, so will not let bob specify his own From address. You can tell exim to trust bob by simply adding bob to the trusted_users list in the /etc/exim.conf.

3) regarding upgrading exim.. if you're using an rpm system and want to compile exim from source, use this guide:

If you're using freebsd/debian, or just want a hand-on compile, use this guide:

If you ever need a fresh exim.conf, use this:

Thanks John,
I'll have a look at this. Well outlook isn't the problem since my system is a debian linux server and DA shows the exact errors in the exim mainlog.

I am not sure if root is in the trusted userlist but I've seen other names on that line.

I'll have a look at your solution and I did follow the fresh install instructions for debian, but sofar no luck. Maybe I accidentally changed something during an upgrade resulting in my exim problems, but I am not sure. I'll definately have a look this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

I'll try to get it back to normal including not using IPs in the exim.conf. But that might take me some time, but it's good excersise to go through the exim.conf. :)

Thanks for the heads up.. :D
Hi All,
I solved my final problem, even my ISP couldn't find a solution. According to them everything worked fine. And it did, except for cronjob mails those were sent but never arrived.

The solution:
I installed debian package ssmtp, changed a few settings and voila the php mail function in a cronjob is working again.

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