exim didn't want to build, the fix broke the server

Invader Zim

Verified User
Sep 4, 2004
Once again got the message that exim couldn't be built, and so I did the

da build remove_old_local libiconv
but that didn't work. First I had to

da build remove_items

da build all
but that failed on nginx, because modsecurity wasn't installed, so I installed that first.

When 'da build all' came to build php I got the complains

checking for PCRE headers location... configure: error: Could not find pcre.h in /usr/local

For some reason da build pcre doesn't do anything. Could this be interferance from CloudLinux? I reinstalled pcre(2) with yum. But this wasn't good enough.

configure: error: Could not find libpcre.(a|so) in /usr/local
checking for PCRE headers location... /usr/local
checking for PCRE library location... install_php: failed to compile '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/cache/php-7.2.34.tar.gz' inside '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/tmp/tmp.vltNX9YTV0.php-7.2.34.tar.gz'
And so PHP isn't getting built. The version that was installed already can't run, because

php: error while loading shared libraries: libjpeg.so.9: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
da build restore_old_local libiconv doens't help either.
Depending on your OS, you probably need to install the pcre development files. On a RHEL based system you would do something like:
dnf install pcre-devel
and it should install the pcre headers and link libraries.
Yeah, I didn't mention that in my post, but i already did that. Doesn't make a difference
Can't build pcre with custombuild.

# da build pcre
| DirectAdmin WebServices Installer |
| Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin |
| Version: 2.0.0 |
| To build everything run: |
| da build all |
| |
| NOTE: Command all will compile everything as it is set |
| in the options.conf file, please take a look at |
| "da build options"! |
| Install/update server components: |
| da build apache |
| da build awstats |
| da build csf |
| da build clamav |
| da build composer |
| da build dovecot |
| da build exim |
| da build imagemagick |
| da build imapsync |
| da build jailshell |
| da build lego |
| da build libmodsecurity |
| da build litespeed |
| da build mod_lsapi |
| da build mod_proctitle |
| da build mod_aclr2 |
| da build mod_htscanner2 |
| da build mod_fcgid |
| da build modsecurity |
| da build modsecurity_rules |
| da build mysql |
| da build netdata |
| da build nginx |
| da build nginx_apache |
| da build openlitespeed |
| da build pigeonhole |
| da build php |
| da build proftpd |
| da build pureftpd |
| da build redis |
| da build rspamd |
| da build spamassassin |
| da build unit |
| da build webalizer |
| da build wp |
| Install/update PHP extensions: |
| da build php_gmp |
| da build php_igbinary |
| da build php_ioncube |
| da build php_imagick |
| da build php_imap |
| da build php_ldap |
| da build php_opcache |
| da build php_phalcon |
| da build php_psr |
| da build php_redis |
| da build php_readline |
| da build php_snuffleupagus |
| da build php_suhosin |
| da build php_xmlrpc |
| da build php_zend |
| Components configuration options: |
| da build exim_conf |
| da build dovecot_conf |
| da build blockcracking |
| da build easy_spam_fighter |
| da build php_ini |
| da build rewrite_confs |
| da build secure_php |
| da build spamassassin_cron |
| da build litespeed_license |
| da build litespeed_license_migrate |
| Install/update web applications: |
| da build phpmyadmin |
| da build roundcube |
| da build squirrelmail |
| CustomBuild related options/functions: |
| da build create_options |
| da build cron |
| da build opt_help |
| da build options_nobold |
| da build list_removals |
| da build remove_items |
| da build set |
| da build update_da |
| da build update_versions |
| da build update_webapps |
| da build used_configs |
| da build versions |
| Remove old build data: |
| da build clean |
| da build clean_old_webapps |
| Build everything what is set in the options.conf file: |
| da build all |
| Build all PHP extensions set set in the php_extensions.conf file: |
| da build php_extensions |
| Recommended for experienced users only (!): |
| da build php_htscanner2 php_release |
| da build set_service service ON|OFF|delete |
| You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input: |
| da build <option> d : do the default action |
| da build <option> y : answer yes to all questions |
| da build <option> n : answer no to all questions |

Seems it's not in custombuild anymore.
I've installed pcre through yum

There's no customization present for anything php related.

/usr/local/php72/lib/php.conf.d/ has 2 files


disable_functions=exec,system,passthru,shell_exec, proc_close,proc_open,dl,popen,show_source,posix_ki ll,posix_mkfifo,posix_getpwuid,posix_setpgid,posix _setsid,posix_setuid,posix_setgid,posix_seteuid,po six_setegid,posix_uname
I don't see how these could interfere.

libjepeg is installed

# whereis libjpeg
libjpeg: /usr/lib64/libjpeg.so
Do you have BOTH pcre AND pcre-devel installed? It would require both to be installed in order to both build and run an application linked against pcre. Also, you are showing your php runtime which is not even looked at during build time. At build time your customizations would live in /usr/local/directadmin/customapache/custom/php/ . What do you see when you issue the following command:
yum list|grep pcre
Yes, I installed both.

# yum list | grep pcre
alt-pcre.x86_64                    8.41-1.el7        @cloudlinux-imunify360
alt-pcre2.x86_64                   10.34-1.el7       @cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
alt-pcre802.x86_64                 8.02-7.el7        @cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre.x86_64                        8.32-17.el7       @base
pcre-devel.x86_64                  8.32-17.el7       @base
pcre2.x86_64                       10.23-2.el7       @base
pcre2-devel.x86_64                 10.23-2.el7       @cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2-utf16.x86_64                 10.23-2.el7       @cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2-utf32.x86_64                 10.23-2.el7       @cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
alt-pcre-devel.x86_64              8.41-1.el7        cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
alt-pcre2-devel.x86_64             10.34-1.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
alt-pcre2-static.x86_64            10.34-1.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
alt-pcre2-tools.x86_64             10.34-1.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
alt-pcre2-utf16.x86_64             10.34-1.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
alt-pcre2-utf32.x86_64             10.34-1.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
alt-pcre802-devel.x86_64           8.02-7.el7        cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
anope-pcre2.x86_64                 2.1.2-1.el7       epel
ghc-pcre-light.x86_64              0.4-13.el7        epel
ghc-pcre-light-devel.x86_64        0.4-13.el7        epel
imunify360-webshield-pcre.x86_64   8.43-1.el7        cloudlinux-imunify360
ocaml-pcre.x86_64                  7.2.3-13.el7      epel
ocaml-pcre-devel.x86_64            7.2.3-13.el7      epel
pcre.i686                          8.32-17.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre-devel.i686                    8.32-17.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre-static.i686                   8.32-17.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre-static.x86_64                 8.32-17.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre-tools.x86_64                  8.32-17.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2.i686                         10.23-2.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2-devel.i686                   10.23-2.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2-static.i686                  10.23-2.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2-static.x86_64                10.23-2.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2-tools.x86_64                 10.23-2.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2-utf16.i686                   10.23-2.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
pcre2-utf32.i686                   10.23-2.el7       cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7
I only see the 32-bit versions of those packages (the ones ending in .i686) it needs the 64-bit versions (the one ending in .x86_64). Try doing a:
yum install pcre.x86_64 pcre-devel.x86_64
to get those libraries installed.
I fixed it by editing the config file for the version of php in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/litespeed, by removing the lines
followed by
yum install libmcrypt-devel
da build restore_old_local libiconv

After that
da build php x.x
works again.