Exim/dovecto - Wrong Certificate - in gmail app (android)


Verified User
Mar 20, 2014
Exim/dovecot - Wrong Certificate - in gmail app (android)

I moved my server from one IP to another (backup) and everything works fine except one thing... e-mails... but only in Gmail app on Android (in thunderbird on my laptop it's ok)... it says "the certificate is invalid" and I can't get my e-mails... before backup to this second server it was working fine...

I had the same problem with FTP but I recreated certificate on this new ip in pure-ftpd and it's ok now.... so I did this too to with my e-mails (exim) https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=245 https://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=2019 and I also recreated SSL with let's encrypt in this domain which is not working with e-mails... what should I do more??
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Hmmm... it's working now when I changed option in gmail app from "ssl/tls (accept all certificates)" to just "ssl/tls" weird :D