exim down - help please


Verified User
Aug 4, 2014

my exim is down and can not start when I run "service exim start'

[root@server ~]# service exim status
exim dead but pid file exists
[root@server ~]#

[root@server ~]# service exim restart
Shutting down exim: /etc/init.d/exim: line 40: kill: (24791) - No such process
Starting exim:
[root@server ~]#

please help me
Last edited:
Please check if exim reinstallation fixes the problem:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build exim
It didn't gave any error notice after starting so it looks like exim started.

What does
/etc/init.d/exim status
say now?

[root@server ~]# /etc/init.d/exim status
exim dead but pid file exists
[root@server ~]#
Just to be sure, could you try this? Maybe it's something with permissions. As root:
/etc/init.d/exim stop
rm -rf /var/run exim.pid
/etc/init.d/exim start
/etc/init.d/exim status
Same error then or is it starting that way?

Can you also have a look at /var/log/exim/paniclog if there are any entry's?
Hello I did it

[root@server1 run]# /etc/init.d/exim stop
Shutting down exim:
[root@server1 run]# rm -rf /var/run exim.pid
[root@server1 run]# /etc/init.d/exim start
Starting exim:
[root@server1 run]# /etc/init.d/exim status
exim dead but subsys locked
[root@server1 run]# tail /var/log/exim/paniclog
[root@server1 run]# du -sh /var/log/exim/paniclog
0 /var/log/exim/paniclog

The /var/log/exim/paniclog is emprty
exim again down :(

[root@server1 scripts]# service exim restart
Shutting down exim: /etc/init.d/exim: line 40: kill: (12029) - No such process

Starting exim:
[root@server1 scripts]# service exim status
exim dead but pid file exists
[root@server1 scripts]#

(/var/log/exim is still mail:mail?) = yes i did it.

[root@server1 custombuild]# tail /var/log/exim/mainlog
2016-04-15 13:36:45 cwd=/ 5 args: /usr/sbin/exim -bd -q15m -oP /var/run/exim.pid
2016-04-15 13:36:48 cwd=/ 4 args: /usr/sbin/sendmail -f root -t
2016-04-15 13:36:53 cwd=/ 5 args: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f [email protected]
2016-04-15 13:37:01 cwd=/ 9 args: /usr/sbin/sendmail -FCronDaemon -i -odi -oem -
2016-04-15 13:37:01 cwd=/ 5 args: /usr/sbin/exim -bd -q15m -oP /var/run/exim.pid
2016-04-15 13:37:04 cwd=/ 2 args: /usr/sbin/exim -bV
2016-04-15 13:37:07 cwd=/ 5 args: /usr/sbin/exim -bd -q15m -oP /var/run/exim.pid
2016-04-15 13:38:01 cwd=/ 9 args: /usr/sbin/sendmail -FCronDaemon -i -odi -oem -
2016-04-15 13:38:01 cwd=/ 5 args: /usr/sbin/exim -bd -q15m -oP /var/run/exim.pid
2016-04-15 13:38:10 cwd=/ 5 args: /usr/sbin/exim -bd -q15m -oP /var/run/exim.pid


[root@server1 custombuild]# tail /var/log/maillog
tail: cannot open `/var/log/maillog' for reading: No such file or directory


[root@server1 custombuild]# service exim restart
Shutting down exim: /etc/init.d/exim: line 40: kill: (32360) - No such process
Starting exim:
[root@server1 custombuild]# service exim status
exim dead but pid file exists
