exim FROZEN email for first domain user ? help


Verified User
Dec 17, 2008
i own a server with directadmin...and i'm having some trouble with email...

i've created a domain in DA : example.com
the machine hostname is NMS.example.com (configured in DA - Administrator Settings).
The username (owner or first account created) of that domain, is : john

...i have created two different email accounts...called TEST and INFO...

i can send and receive e-mail in TEST and INFO....altough when i receive email to [email protected], exim frezes mail giving this Error:

2008-12-17 13:15:07 1LCvIx-0004Vl-Iq == [email protected] <[email protected]> R=lookuphost defer (-1): remote host address is the local host
2008-12-17 13:15:07 1LCvIx-0004Vl-Iq Frozen


anyone can help me out? i need john account to receive email too....

thanks in advance
i suppose so....how can i check if they up to date ?

it's a new server..first time in DA/exim :S

the only editing i did in exim.conf was to uncomment primary_hostname the line to this value:

primary_hostname = mail.example.com

restarted exim with a /sbin/service exim restart

regarding exim.pl...never edited...do i need to ?

thanks in advance..

PS - i have that mail A records in DNS Settings.
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Well first of all hiding your actual domain isnt gonna get any help. We have no way to check if your email is working or not. The error is probably because the hostname on your machine is the same as the hostname you are trying to send to.
oh..sure mate...my bad...my intentions was not to hide my domain...
here it is -> schoolin-cafe.com

try to send an email to schoolin (at) schoolin-cafe.com , it will freez all incoming mail to this account...although i can receive email in teh second created email account for that domain , the test (at) schoolin-cafe.com

thanks for the time and help.
Show what the following command says:

here ...

[root@NMS001 ~]# /bin/hostname
[root@NMS001 ~]#
i got everything from that post too..but it ain't working....

i realize that in my /etc/virtual/schoolin-cafe.com/passwd

i only have the second, third, and so on accounts....but i don't have the first one...shouldn't i need a line there for the domain account owner there too ?

i just have two line right now...

[root@NMS001 schoolin]# cat /etc/virtual/schoolin-cafe.com/passwd
[root@NMS001 schoolin]#

any more idea ?! :(
@njm: If you used any password that you use elsewhere for those two email accounts, or if you used the same pattern that you use for any other password, I strongly suggest that you edit your last post and erase all that's between ":" just after the username.
It's an MD5 password hash: it is often difficult to guess the password from there, but it's not impossible.

If you instead used "test" as password or something like that, just be sure to erase those tests account when you will solve the problem, or change their password to something more difficult to guess, because many security exploits need a login and test accounts are the first thing tried by black hat hackers.
thanks scsi,

@ tillo, that MD5 hash is faked...i altered before the post...but thanks for the concern :thumbs up:
Has nobody recommended checking the /var/log/exim/mainlog to see why the email is being frozen?

ok, i'll show all config in my DA machine...if you guys can help me out...

in my DA Administrator Settings i have :

Server's Hostname : NMS001.schoolin-cafe.com
NS1 : ns1.schoolin-cafe.com
NS2: ns2.schoolin-cafe.com

in my DNS Administration i've this:

ftp	A	
localhost	A	
mail	A	
ns1	A	
ns2	A	
pop	A	
schoolin-cafe.com.	A	
smtp	A	
www	A	
schoolin-cafe.com.	NS	ns1.schoolin-cafe.com	
schoolin-cafe.com.	NS	ns2.schoolin-cafe.com	
mail	MX	10

both and are the same machine.

I've edited /etc/exim.conf and changed ONLY this line:

# primary_hostname =


primary_hostname = mail.schoolin-cafe.com

then, i've restarted exim like this :

/sbin/service exim restart

my /bin/hostname returns:

[root@NMS001 virtual]# /bin/hostname
[root@NMS001 virtual]#

my cat /etc/hosts :

[root@NMS001 virtual]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain   localhost

::1     localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6             NMS001.schoolin-cafe.com
[root@NMS001 virtual]#

my cat /var/log/exim/mainlog :

2008-12-18 10:03:34 exim 4.67 daemon started: pid=2490, -q15m, listening for SMTP on port 25 (IPv4) port 587 (IPv4)
2008-12-18 10:08:25 1LDErp-0000fO-Sd <= [email protected] H=mail-bw0-f10.google.com [] P=esmtp S=2035 [email protected] T="agora vai 22223" from <[email protected]> for [email protected]
2008-12-18 10:08:25 1LDErp-0000fO-Sd remote host address is the local host: mail.schoolin-cafe.com
2008-12-18 10:08:25 1LDErp-0000fO-Sd == [email protected] <[email protected]> R=lookuphost defer (-1): remote host address is the local host
2008-12-18 10:08:25 1LDErp-0000fO-Sd remote host address is the local host: mail.schoolin-cafe.com
2008-12-18 10:08:25 1LDErp-0000fO-Sd == [email protected] <[email protected]> R=lookuphost defer (-1): remote host address is the local host
2008-12-18 10:08:25 1LDErp-0000fO-Sd Frozen
[root@NMS001 virtual]#


how did i created the account in DA...

got the user/passwd from my dedicated server hosting company:

1- logged in as admin
2- moved to reseller level
3- create package (unlimited one..since this box..will be only to me and my projects..)
4- created user: "schoolin" with that unlimited package

...thanks in advance, hope you guys/girls can help me out..
The error is quite simple: exim doesn't find the domain in /etc/virtual/domains therefore it has to connect to the MX of the domain... when it founds out it's his address he freezes; doesn't want to create an infinite loop.

Check /etc/virtual/domains :)

P.S.: missing ending dots in those records:
schoolin-cafe.com.	NS	ns1.schoolin-cafe.com	
schoolin-cafe.com.	NS	ns2.schoolin-cafe.com
As you can see:
tillo@pctillo ~ $ host -t ns schoolin-cafe.com
schoolin-cafe.com name server ns2.schoolin-cafe.com.schoolin-cafe.com.
schoolin-cafe.com name server ns1.schoolin-cafe.com.schoolin-cafe.com.
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here is my /etc/virtual/domains :

[root@NMS001 virtual]# cat /etc/virtual/domains
[root@NMS001 virtual]#

and my /etc/virtual/domainowners :

[root@NMS001 virtual]# cat /etc/virtual/domainowners
schoolin-cafe.com: schoolin
[root@NMS001 virtual]#

my ls -l /etc/virtual :

[root@NMS001 virtual]# ls -l /etc/virtual
total 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 17 17:43 bad_sender_hosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 17 17:43 blacklist_domains
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 17 17:43 blacklist_senders
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail     52 Dec 17 12:31 domainowners
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail     57 Dec 17 17:14 domains
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mail      mail      2 Dec 17 17:43 limit
drwxr-x--- 5 majordomo daemon 4096 Dec 15 16:48 majordomo
drwx--x--x 2 mail      mail   4096 Dec 17 05:40 NMS001.schoolin-cafe.com
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 18 04:07 pophosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root      0 Dec 18 04:07 pophosts_user
drwx--x--x 3 mail      mail   4096 Dec 18 11:26 schoolin-cafe.com
drwxr-xr-x 2 mail      mail   4096 Dec 18 00:10 usage
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 17 17:43 use_rbl_domains
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 17 17:43 whitelist_domains
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 17 17:43 whitelist_from
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 17 17:43 whitelist_hosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 mail      mail      0 Dec 17 17:43 whitelist_senders
[root@NMS001 virtual]#

my NMS001.schoolin-cafe.com folder in /etc/virtual is empy...

and i do have passwd and other files in /etc/virtual/schoolin-cafe.com


oh..thanks for those dots....fixed the dots.... do you believe that lack of dot's was the problem for the first schoolin account mail problem?

thanks for your help
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Uhm... your exim.conf must be broken. Did you try to restore the original one modifiying only the hostname?
If that won't fix it, "reinstall" the exim binaries then restart clean the service.

I can't think of anything else :o

EDIT: it was a rethorical question or not? I don't think that those dots are the reason of the problem.
ive compared the exim.conf and exim.conf.orig in the /etc folder..

(they have some changes in path directives ..i was a little bit afraid to miss with DA then..)

bit i've changed both...restarted exim...and tested

exim -bt schoolin
and got the same error...

has i told..i'm new to DA... how can i reinstall exim binaries ?