exim in CB 1.2


Verified User
Jun 21, 2012
I see its in there defaulted to no, if I enable as yes will it then work for updates exim or will it break the existing stock exim installed with DA?
thats my biggest worry is breaking the original install, if I read stuff correctly I SHOULD be safe.
coming from cpanel/easyapache to DA/CB so trying to learn the intricacies of CB.

If you installed exim with directadmin without any additional patches (added by you into exim), then you can safely enable exim and update it with custombuild.

If you installed exim with directadmin without any additional patches (added by you into exim), then you can safely enable exim and update it with custombuild.
sweet, thats exactly how it was done.
I will enable it and handle from CB from now on, thanks.
I suspected this was the case but could not fully verify.

Can you tell us which version of exim.conf you use, and what setting you have for exim.conf in custombuild?


If it matters (though it should not), I use mostly SpamBlocker v4 customized by me. So in options.conf (custombuild) upgrading of exim is allowed, but exim.conf is disabled there. Anyway by default it's quite safe to upgrade exim with custombuild and it does not really matter what version of exim.conf is installed if that one provided by either directadmin or NoBaloney Internet Services is used.

p.s. I did not give exact names from options.conf and exact version of exim.conf as I write it by my memory.