Exim-Logs additional to Apache Logs on Userlevel


Verified User
Feb 18, 2007
is ist possible to build in also the exim logs additional to the apache logs on userlevel in the statisticpage ?
I want to have additional exim-logs available. Apache-Logs are available on userlevel. Exim-Logs arent. They could be useful on userlevel, also on reseller/adminlevel. I have some customers who forget to set limits on their mailaccounts, or have other self-induced troubles, most frequently with wrong usernames or false ports, and if exim-logs would be there, they could look themselves on the issue, inside the logs, or I could do this on admin-level instead of using ssh/root. I can use ssh/root only from home, and if I could see exim-logs from inside DA it would be great to use simply per web also from outside.
Exim logs contain all data of a server, it is not per user or per domain based. That's why that's not that simple to show requested data.

But if you really want it, I can help and make a plug-in. Contact me with PM.

P.S. full exim log you can still get and see on Admin Level.
:) no prob, i feel better if getting any answer instead nobody`s hearing me ..
i am wrong myself often enough, but it would be a nice feature, it wouldnt?
well, considering that the exim.log is a server-wide log maybe split it per domain as httpd should be nice aswell, but, usually is just the admin that check those logs for email problem...user should use the apache one for check who hacked website, but, for webmail maybe not so useful.

A separation per-domain should be nice for do best research in case of problem :)

There's no easy way to create per-domain logs in exim. I'm not even sure there's a hard way.

How would you propose splitting the logs?

well i have no idea i was just thinkin about the first post, well, a split like the http one with domain folder and a mainlog, rejectlog for each domain as httpd do domain.com.rejectlog.log domain.com.mainlog.log should be a sample of filename.
I suppose, it's not a question, how to name log files. But it is the question, how can it be done on Exim bases? Does exim supports per-domain logs or not? And how to determine which action write into which logfile.

As for a plugin, I've suggested, it's possible to scan exim's mainlog with exigrep or simple grep. And even in this case, there is a risk to show to user unwanted data.
When Googling for exim domain logs the only relevant link I found was to this thread. You're welcome to ask on the exim-users list if you're interested in persuing this further.

I think for most of grepping the logs for per-user information might use a lot of system resources; on our servers the logs grow at a rapid rate. And depending on how you set your logging, you could end up with lot of important information without usernames. You might need to grep by IP#, then to get domains for each IP#, and then for each domain, for each email, all instances of the email's serial number. Give it a try, and good luck!

I just remembered the exiqgrep program; learning it could help you grep exim logs.

If it's not installed automatically by your version of DirectAdmin you can find it here (nobaloney.net), but you may also need the man file, found here (digipedia.pl).
