Exim not starting.


Verified User
Aug 18, 2005
New server install, FreeBSD 7 32 bit DA installed with custombuild

Install completed, but when checking services, exim was not running. when trying to start it, get the following error:

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/exim start
Starting exim: /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libperl.so" not found, required by "exim"

When searching the server for 'libperl.so' I see it here:

So far, I have tried running ./build all, ./build mod_perl. I have also reinstalled DA from scratch using custombuild and still get the same error.

Any ideas on how to correct this short of re-installing the OS.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Updated perl to 5.8.9 this morning on 3 servers. 2 Free6.1 and 1 Free7. Exim won't start on the Free7 server. Same error message as above. However, following the knowledge base article yields the following:

gcc dk.c
gcc dkim-exim.c

awk '{ print ($1+1) }' cnumber.h > cnumber.temp
rm -f cnumber.h; mv cnumber.temp cnumber.h
gcc version.c
rm -f exim
gcc -o exim
rfc2047.o(.text+0x3cb): In function `rfc2047_decode2':
: undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
rfc2047.o(.text+0x490): In function `rfc2047_decode2':
: undefined reference to `libiconv'
rfc2047.o(.text+0x56b): In function `rfc2047_decode2':
: undefined reference to `libiconv_close'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/exim-4.69/build-FreeBSD-i386.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/exim-4.69.

But to compensate, apache (1.3) doesn't want to start on the Free 6.1 servers.

[root@ifestios ~]# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/httpd start
Starting httpd:         [ OK ]
Syntax error on line 70 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/libperl.so into server: Shared object "libperl.so" not found, required by "libperl.so"
Gee, I hadn't thought of that. Except for the part that the knowledge base article tells you to reinstall exim. And right now I'm reinstalling 5.8.8 from source, hoping that'll fix my woes.

Ok, so after reinstalling the perl.tbz package off the freebsd ftp server I'm now down to this problem:

Syntax error on line 70 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/libperl.so into server: /etc/httpd/modules/libperl.so: Undefined symbol "__h_errno"
Last edited:
fix libperl.so

Hello, I stumbled on the same problem today after a portupgrade
on freebsd7

fixed it by creating a symlink to libperl.so

ln -s /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.*/mach/CORE/libperl.so /usr/local/lib
Hello, I stumbled on the same problem today after a portupgrade
on freebsd7

fixed it by creating a symlink to libperl.so

ln -s /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.*/mach/CORE/libperl.so /usr/local/lib

I found the same error and make symlink can solved.

cd /usr/local/lib
ln -s perl5/5.8.x/mach/CORE/libperl.so .

I found the same error and make symlink can solved.

cd /usr/local/lib
ln -s perl5/5.8.x/mach/CORE/libperl.so .


Thank you kke - worked like a charm this morning at 1:30 AM :). This sometimes happens to us after upgrading Perl on our FreeBSD systems.

Another thing that might happen after running "perl after upgrade" is that our httpd.conf file may include some additional changes. The following line that had to be commented out (duplicated a few lines above in httpd.conf):

### LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache/libperl.so

After making both of these changes Exim and Apache began running just fine - no need to reinstall anything after upgrading to a newer version of Perl.