exim.pl.14 - not counting local delivery


Verified User
May 24, 2011
after update to new exim.pl.14 is not counting e-mails that were send to local domains. E-mail send to external servers are counted fine.
Any advice?

1) Exim.pl 15 is available now, fixed one bug.
wget -O /etc/exim.pl http://files.directadmin.com/services/exim.pl.15
2) "Counting" with regards to the limits imposed by DA only applies to outbound emails (preventing outbound spam).
There are no inbound limits, other than disk quotas. What you're describing sounds normal.
... unless you're referring to the nightly tallied usage shown in dA?

2) "Counting" with regards to the limits imposed by DA only applies to outbound emails (preventing outbound spam).
There are no inbound limits, other than disk quotas. What you're describing sounds normal.
... unless you're referring to the nightly tallied usage shown in dA?

Hello - no - I'm refering to outgoing emails but sent to the same server e-mail account (internal delivery). These emails are not being counted in recent versions on exim.pl. They've been counted by older versions of script.
Just want to confirm we're not talking about:

because that only applies to outbound emails.

If you're referring to the count shown on the User Stats page... I'd have to look into it (that would only be DA counting the username.bytes file.. )
... but.. if my memory is correct.. local deliveries are not counted (not 100% sure).. because the exim.pl functions are called in the lookuphost (external delivery)... and that's it for mail sends.
The inbound message (internal) should still be counted though.

I'm revering to outgoing e-mails daily counter:
"Sent Emails 366 (Today: 1)"
It does count all outgoing emails sent to remote servers but its NOT counting emails sent to different users on the SAME server.
I hope I'm clear enough.