Exim Upgrade ?


Verified User
Jan 13, 2004
Exim is now upgraded to 4.34,
but i want to ask if DA uses a DA-Specific Exim version?

Or, it's only a RPM upgrade?

i am interested in this as well, on the exim homepage it says somthing about a security update.

i noticed exim is installed as da_exim rpm, so what is the best way to go about keeping exim updated and not interfering with any functionality...
I *believe* DA's exim is the standard exim version.. I do not *think* there is anything special to it. Of course, I do not really know either :)
I have found some RPM version of Exim, but they cannot be installed due to dependency error..
Give me until tomorrow/wednesday and will have releases for all redhat versions.

ProWebUK said:
Give me until tomorrow/wednesday and will have releases for all redhat versions.

And FreeBSD...? :)

The better would be to let us now what was changed in default exim version. In this way everyone will be able to compile own Exim which will work with DA... I tried to investigate and checked it myself, but you're providing only recompiled exim binaries in DA packages.
Please think about my idea.

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I am wondering.. why do you all want to update exim..?

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

By the way, DA's exim config is NOT affected by the exim security problem which was discovered lately.
it's in good practice to stay updated. plus i was not aware that security flaw does not affect DA, i would like to see some proof as to why. also if you check the change log there are a lot of bug fixes.
Upgrading your software means caring your box. Staying up to date can make your box work more efficient too.

There are some program that you *HAVE TO* stay updated.
---> DirectAdmin. :)
If you read exim-users (see here), or exim-announce (see here), you can decide for yourself which new versions of exim are important enough for you to upgrade.

You'll also see that the pace of exim moves very quickly, and perhaps because of that, occasionally new bugs are introduced.

We generally wait a while before updating exim, unless there's a good reason why an immediate update is required.

We'll be posting the new exim rpm's soon. They contain Jeff's exim.conf and our new exim.pl, well as exim 4.34 and the exiscan patch (should anyone want to use it).

I've posted the source rpm here:

If anyone wants it *now*, you can run:
wget http://files.directadmin.com/services/da_exim-4.34-1.src.rpm
rpm -ivh da_exim-4.34-1.src.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
rpmbuild -ba exim.spec
cd ../RPMS/i386
rpm -ivh da_exim-4.34-1.i386.rpm

Remeber, it's *new* so the may be bugs (exim.pl mainly).

Thanks! Got it installed but I got an error when I tried to restart Exim. The permissions on the logfiles in /var/log/exim was set to maillnull:mail so exim abandoned. chowning it back to mail:mail solved it.. Also the filenames changed from:





p.s. Is Exiscan is compiled with it?
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file /etc/aliases from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with file fro
m package da_exim-3.36-2
file /etc/exim.conf from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with file f
rom package da_exim-3.36-2
file /etc/logrotate.d/exim from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with
file from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /etc/rc.d/init.d/exim from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with
file from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /etc/sysconfig/exim from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with f
ile from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/bin/mailq from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with file f
rom package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/bin/runq from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with file fr
om package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/lib/sendmail from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with fil
e from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exicyclog from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with f
ile from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exigrep from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with fil
e from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exim from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with file f
rom package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exim_dbmbuild from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts wi
th file from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exim_dumpdb from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with
file from package da_exim-3.36-2
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file from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exim_lock from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with f
ile from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exim_tidydb from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with
file from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/eximstats from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with f
ile from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exinext from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with fil
e from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exiqsumm from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with fi
le from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/sbin/exiwhat from install of da_exim-4.34-1 conflicts with fil
e from package da_exim-3.36-2
file /usr/share/man/man8/exim.8.gz from install of da_exim-4.34-1 confli
cts with file from package da_exim-3.36-2

should I do --force?