

Verified User
Mar 24, 2008
Dear Directadmin members,
I've got a huge problem

Today i tried to go in to my mail.
But when i tried to get it in i noticed he didn't connect
so i went in to the administration panel and tried to start EXIM,
Didn't work,

Exim configuration error
  main option "perl_startup" unknown in line 123

it went of, then dovecot followed.
How come these 2 went of, i meen it isn't something i did and it couldn't be some one else as the server is new and there are no customers on it.

It is running Exim 3.36, Exim4 does work properly but i wouldn't know how to configure that to work with Directadmin
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I have no idea what may be wrong with the current info. you have given.

But you said it is a new server, how come you are using exim 3??

Exim is supposed to be installed by the directadmin setup script. Are you using an fresh installation of OS with base configuration to install directadmin, or are you using a previously used server to install directadmin??
well i did the whole thing myself so no its new. i used the setup of directadmin itself. but it worked for a day then i got a message and then that appeard
well, my be i misunderstand. You said your current exim version is exim 3.36, but the current version of exim come with directadmin is 4.x.

Did you installed exim 3.36 after directadmin installation, or 3.36 was already installed before directadmin installation?

If exim was already there before directadmin installation, you do not have a clean installation of OS:

quoted from the directadmin site:

***Please do not install services such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, Ftp, Sendmail, etc., as we will do this for you. All we need is a CLEAN install of your operating system.***

If you install exim 3 after directadmin installation, the exim.conf created by directadmin may not work on exim 3 since they may be compiled with different options and some options on exim 3 may not exist on exim 4.

this is quoted from the exim site:

perl_at_start Use: main Type: boolean Default: false

This option is available only when Exim is built with an embedded Perl interpreter. See chapter 12 for details of its use.
well, my be i misunderstand. You said your current exim version is exim 3.36, but the current version of exim come with directadmin is 4.x.

Did you installed exim 3.36 after directadmin installation, or 3.36 was already installed before directadmin installation?

If exim was already there before directadmin installation, you do not have a clean installation of OS:

quoted from the directadmin site:

***Please do not install services such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, Ftp, Sendmail, etc., as we will do this for you. All we need is a CLEAN install of your operating system.***

If you install exim 3 after directadmin installation, the exim.conf created by directadmin may not work on exim 3 since they may be compiled with different options and some options on exim 3 may not exist on exim 4.

this is quoted from the exim site:

perl_at_start Use: main Type: boolean Default: false

This option is available only when Exim is built with an embedded Perl interpreter. See chapter 12 for details of its use.

Yes i read this one.. And the exim 3 version just got installed with it. Nothing was on it when i had set it up. Maybe its a smart idea to just erase everything and re install the full OS?

Or is there a better way, i rather not go to the datacenter :P
I think you may try to remove all exim package and config. file (back it up first ) from the server and rerun the directadmin setup. (Not sure if it works though)
I did the entire configuration of all packages myself on FreeBSD, carefully looking at the options required by DA. Exim requires perl support, which you need to enable if you do a custombuild (not the application, but you know ;)).

Can you please verify whether the version you are using actually supports that? I am running on 4.69 - FreeBSD 7 with succesfull perl support.

i am running Debian with also Full perl support
But ill try to delete all files corresponding to exim

I think you may try to remove all exim package and config. file (back it up first ) from the server and rerun the directadmin setup. (Not sure if it works though)

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Now my problem is only this.
It doesnt send the mails.

Now my problem is only this.
It doesnt send the mails.

008-03-24 10:40:01 exim 4.67 daemon started: pid=16715, -q15m, listening for SMTP on port 25 (IPv4) port 587 (IPv4)
2008-03-24 11:05:59 1Jdr3X-00076W-EX <= [email protected] H=localhost (mydomain.com) [] P=esmtpa A=login:admin S=771 [email protected] T="lol" from <[email protected]> for [email protected]
2008-03-24 11:06:00 1Jdr3X-00076W-EX => [email protected] F=<[email protected]> R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp S=798 H=mx2.hotmail.com [] C="250 <[email protected]> Queued mail for delivery"
2008-03-24 11:06:00 1Jdr3X-00076W-EX Completed
2008-03-24 11:37:19 1JdrXq-0007H5-W3 <= [email protected] H=localhost ( [] P=esmtpa A=login:[email protected] S=850 [email protected] T="test" from <[email protected]> for [email protected]
2008-03-24 11:37:20 1JdrXq-0007H5-W3 => [email protected] F=<[email protected]> R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp S=882 H=mx1.hotmail.com [] C="250 <[email protected]> Queued mail for delivery"
2008-03-24 11:37:20 1JdrXq-0007H5-W3 Completed
Ofcourse, and my car came to a grinding stop. Something blew up.

I am being a bit sarcastic here, but perhaps you can show or tell us some more about what is happening on your system. Can you provide us with some loglines and behaviour description for it? (For example; send a test email to yourself and tell us what you see happening).

Ofcourse, and my car came to a grinding stop. Something blew up.

I am being a bit sarcastic here, but perhaps you can show or tell us some more about what is happening on your system. Can you provide us with some loglines and behaviour description for it? (For example; send a test email to yourself and tell us what you see happening).


if you would read you could actually see the log... there is no error log as there are no errors according to exim

When i press send it says mail send.. not expected huh? :P
Last time I checked this topic the log information wasn't there (yet). I am not writing such a thing to make a fool out of myself or make a fool out of you you know, I have better things to do then do those nonsense things.
Back to the topic:

2008-03-24 11:06:00 1Jdr3X-00076W-EX => [email protected] F=<[email protected]> R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp S=798 H=mx2.hotmail.com [] C="250 <[email protected]> Queued mail for delivery"
2008-03-24 11:06:00 1Jdr3X-00076W-EX Completed

Tells that the outgoing mail had been send to the remote mailserver (mx2.hotmail.com); you say it doesn't send? Or dont you arrive it in the hotmail mailbox? (Which is something different).

There were various issues with hotmail, if you have one bit wrong in the amazing hotmail -spam-check-whatever-it-is-called- legitimate email gets blocked. You will never see anything about that though; it just gets ditched in /dev/null or whatever Microsoft calls it. Been there, done it, got the t-shirt but no email :(
Back to the topic:

2008-03-24 11:06:00 1Jdr3X-00076W-EX => [email protected] F=<[email protected]> R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp S=798 H=mx2.hotmail.com [] C="250 <[email protected]> Queued mail for delivery"
2008-03-24 11:06:00 1Jdr3X-00076W-EX Completed

Tells that the outgoing mail had been send to the remote mailserver (mx2.hotmail.com); you say it doesn't send? Or dont you arrive it in the hotmail mailbox? (Which is something different).

There were various issues with hotmail, if you have one bit wrong in the amazing hotmail -spam-check-whatever-it-is-called- legitimate email gets blocked. You will never see anything about that though; it just gets ditched in /dev/null or whatever Microsoft calls it. Been there, done it, got the t-shirt but no email :(

It doesnt arrive not at hotmail not at gmail not at my own domain... so it doesnt get send im guessing..

( I added the log few seconds after i posted the problem so yeah its my fault :) Sorry )
OK no prob, I clicked on the mail the moment I received it, so it surely overlapped. Can happen.

Can you send me a test email on [email protected] please? or [email protected] if you prefer (doesn't matter); your mail exchange says it delivered it at mx2.hotmail.com at least; so it's out of your control from them. Perhaps google is doing something evil as well...

OK no prob, I clicked on the mail the moment I received it, so it surely overlapped. Can happen.

Can you send me a test email on [email protected] please? or [email protected] if you prefer (doesn't matter); your mail exchange says it delivered it at mx2.hotmail.com at least; so it's out of your control from them. Perhaps google is doing something evil as well...


Send them to both.
But i can't imagine that my server blocks my own email as i also have send it to my own mail!

Checked the log and i noticed this:
2008-03-24 12:33:02 1JdsPe-0007nW-Kv == [email protected] R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp defer (-44): SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>: host mx1.freebsd.org []: 450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, []
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I received them moments after you send them. So that appears to be working properly (Though mx1.freebsd.org is greylisting the email a bit, you'll probably see that as well, I did that on purpose so that you see the results in your log).

What happends (my educated guess): hotmail.com and gmail.com have internal anti-spam facilities; they either drop the email in the recipients spam box. Or never deliver it alltogether. My customers ran into that a lot already and there seems to be no way to see what are accepted emails and what not.

Evertime such an email was send; it was received by hotmail (in my case) just fine, but never ended up in the ending mailbox. Google has similiar facilities last time I checked, and it's not that weird it runs into the same kind of issue.

Your mailserver appears to work fine..
I received them moments after you send them. So that appears to be working properly (Though mx1.freebsd.org is greylisting the email a bit, you'll probably see that as well, I did that on purpose so that you see the results in your log).

What happends (my educated guess): hotmail.com and gmail.com have internal anti-spam facilities; they either drop the email in the recipients spam box. Or never deliver it alltogether. My customers ran into that a lot already and there seems to be no way to see what are accepted emails and what not.

Evertime such an email was send; it was received by hotmail (in my case) just fine, but never ended up in the ending mailbox. Google has similiar facilities last time I checked, and it's not that weird it runs into the same kind of issue.

Your mailserver appears to work fine..

Ok this part is clear.
But how come, ( Example: [email protected] ) when i mail from [email protected] to [email protected] that it doesnt get send?
What is the log information that you get from that? Is it refusing email for you or?