External Domain


New member
Dec 30, 2008
Hi everybody;
I have a domain name (bought it from belgacom), but i use this server as hosting server, can someone tell me how can i point this domain to my folder here??
Plz help me,
What do you mean by here? You have to have a webhosting account with a hosting company. Do you? Or do you own your own server with your own copy of DirectAdmin?

Thanks for your reply;
Yes i have an account in a webhosting company , the files are hosted there, (the hosting company is different than the register domain company) so how can i process using DA?
Thanks again;
You need to assign the nameservers your hosting company gave you to the domain at the registrar.
Thanks floyd for your reply;
this step is ok i understand it, but what i should do using DirectAdmin?
i'll create a new domain with the same name as my own domain name? in order to specify which folder must use.

Thanks again for your reply Floid;
i've seen the link, but let me say, i don't have all these features into my interface (cuz my hosting is just shared).
Thanks again;
The link Floyd gave you is for hosting customers, not for resellers or administrators. If some of the features you need have been disabled by your hosting company, then you need to contact them. Some hosting companies charge extra for certain features. Others may not allow them at all. Others may turn them on only by request. Contact them.
