External Services (MySQL/Mail etc')


Verified User
Aug 2, 2007
having several DA servers becomes a bit messy when trying to control everything on them, so I'm considering creating some dedicated servers for dedicated missions/services like MySQL, Mail, DNS etc.

so, my question for those with experience on such separation is:
what are the pros/cons of doing such a thing?

Well, first thing I thought of was duplicates....... eg. mysql users especially etc... so if 2 DA servers had the same account name, and, say, each created the same MySQL user (highly unlikely but still), then will be problems.

Unless you're thinking of having a 1 to 1, but that'll defeat the object.
With Multiserver function it is of no risk, since Directadmin would take care of it. "User Check" should be enabled then.
Never used the Multi-server feature myself - and with MtK's question, I didn't envisage he was going to use DA on the other servers too.
Multi-Server Option (unless it's been changed and I somehow missed it) only automates DNS duplication across servers, and it checks only domain names, and not user names, which you'd need to do to protect against multiple use of usernames from different hosting servers to the same MySQL server. Except for this issue, MySQL is rather easy to implement on it's own server. DNS is as well, but you still should keep your DNS on the hosting server, using it as a hidden master.

Mail is another issue entirely, is extremely complex, and as far as I know, has never been attempted on a DirectAdmin server. It's not something I'd want to attack, but perhaps you can find someone brave (or foolish) enough to consider it :D.


Multi-Server Option (unless it's been changed and I somehow missed it) only automates DNS duplication across servers, and it checks only domain names, and not user names...

Hello Jeff,

Why not to check and test it yourself before posting it here?! And you'll definitely would see how it works.


The feature "Check user" in Multi server function allows to avoid duplicates of usernames, and if you try to create a user with a name already used on another server, you'll get the following error:

Error Creating User bob


That User already exists on another server

Note, both servers should be with Multi Server turned ON, and "User Check" should be enabled as well.

Related: http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=1275
In addition to what Alex said, yes, we can safely assume at this current moment, there are no user and/or domain duplication throughout all my servers (using both User Check and Domain Check for that), but moreover, users are created from an external CRM systems which already controls the user duplication.
To the subject of the thread I could say the following (here and below I express my own opinion on the question, and my point of view might differ from others):

1. I don't like an idea of using MySQL on a remote server, unless you're managing a high-load project with thousands of hits per second/minute. Using of a remote MySQL server might be justified if you need a MySQL cluster, which consists of several servers.

If you've got more than 1 server with let's say 1000 users on each, then in case if MySQL gets unavailable on one server, sites get down also on only one server, and you'll get complains only from <1000 users, as a contrast of <2000 complains in case you've got MySQL as a remote service on a server which goes down for any reason.

2. Using of a remote PO3/SMTP server might be not a bad idea, but directadmin is not designed for that, and in this case you'll need a serious customization. Thought there are some users on the forums who are managing similar infrastructures, I'd personally would not for my own needs (at least for now).

3. Regarding external DNS, I've already posted in a similar thread on the forums.

And again, here above there is only my own point of view based on my understanding of the subject and experience of using Directadmin on servers for shared hosting as well as on single project servers. And as I offer a commerce service of server administrating, my customers might have another opinion on the subject, and in this case I'll be happy to assist them to achieve the desired.

P.S. By the way from my own experience it might be a good idea to use a remote SMTP server as a relay for sending OUT emails from your hosting servers, as in this case you are able to control outgoing emails and to do additional antivirus and antispam checks (of course if it is legal in your country and is allowed by your TOS).