Failed to query server: Connection timed out


Verified User
Aug 1, 2020
i have this problem on a vps, what can it be? I can't update directadmin.


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# ./build clean
# ./build set_fastest
# ./build update

tried this but it doesn't work.
But did it find and configured another mirror in options.conf?

If yes, can you make other connections outside?
Tried with firewall disabled?
actually it seems to be a problem on the server, tried to manually update the CSF also has error.

#Failed to restart lfd.service: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1': timed out
#See system logs and 'systemctl status lfd.service' for details.
#Failed to get properties: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1': timed out
Even failed to restart csf? That's not good indeed.
I hope it's not a memory or hard disk issue in that case.

I presume you checked system logs to see if anything there points to the issue?
Even failed to restart csf? That's not good indeed.
I hope it's not a memory or hard disk issue in that case.

I presume you checked system logs to see if anything there points to the issue?
It seems to be a bug, restart the server and everything works fine.
Oh luckily, because it could also have been the server wouldn't come back up anymore.
That's why I asked for the system logs before I wanted to suggest rebooting the server. ;)

Fedora system?
system CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009
On this server I only have my commercial website, so I did a backup before and then restarted.
It was not possible to reboot directly from the server (ssh), I had to do a hardware reboot.
I think I was awarded this problem. the solution is at the link below.
@Richard G Thanks for your attention
@skym4n Thank you for reporting back and pointing out the issue. This bug was not known to me yet, so might come in handy when running into a kindlike problem on my own servers.