Hello Y'All
I hope someone can help me out.
Currently I have 2 servers running with DirectAdmin. This is what I want to setup (without an expensive load-balancing system):
Server 1 - main server with website
Server 2 - backup server, data is synced from server 1 (already functioning)
If have two nameservers, one running on server 1 and the other one on server 2.
If server 1 (and of course nameserver 1) goed down the DNS needs to be forwarded to server 2. Af far as I know this does work, however it depends on the Internet providers how long it will take to connect to server 2.
Do you guys have a simple solution? Maybe a VPS who can manage the DNS? If so, how would you set it up?
Thank you in advance

I hope someone can help me out.
Currently I have 2 servers running with DirectAdmin. This is what I want to setup (without an expensive load-balancing system):
Server 1 - main server with website
Server 2 - backup server, data is synced from server 1 (already functioning)
If have two nameservers, one running on server 1 and the other one on server 2.
If server 1 (and of course nameserver 1) goed down the DNS needs to be forwarded to server 2. Af far as I know this does work, however it depends on the Internet providers how long it will take to connect to server 2.
Do you guys have a simple solution? Maybe a VPS who can manage the DNS? If so, how would you set it up?
Thank you in advance